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Pls, Help me in a modelling problem i had...


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This is how it goes...

I made all the body parts (editable meshes) necessary (l_arm, r_arm, torso, etc...) and its specified caps (torso_cap_head_off, etc...)

Then i added to the project an already made skeleton i dloaded, kyle skeleton with tags n no lods...

Then i positioned all the meshes around the bones, all parts in rite place...

After that i linked all the tags to the specified body part as well as the caps to the specified meshes...

I believe everything is ok till now...

Now comes the problem...

I exported the model file to XSI in order to use in ASSIMILATE n create the glm file of the model...

Did everything ok as the tutorial said but i got this message:


-------- C:\Programas\LucasArts\jkii\GameData\base\models\players\_humanoid\mode

l.car --------

( Build trigger: "c:\programas\lucasarts\jkii\gamedata\base\models\players\_huma

noid\model.glm" missing )

entering c:\programas\lucasarts\jkii\gamedata\base\models\players\_humanoid\mode


(90 degree skewing OFF)

Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames

Processing 'c:/programas/lucasarts/jkii/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/r


XSI import failed, File Contains 'Cubic' scale keys (file 'c:/programas/lucasart



( Press any Key ... )





I tried with an original root.xsi like stormtrooper's root.xsi, n it gave me no error at all, created the glm file with no problems.


Pls, someone tell me what that error means, n help me to solve the prob!

The better would be if someone who understands the arts of modeling could IM me in yahoo, my contact is: jedi_carnage_3000


Thank you...


May The Force Be With You!

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Quoting myself:


"Error, file contains cubic scale keys"


If you see this error message, you NEED to change your keyboard and regional settings to U.S. standard.


Why? because if you dont live in the U.S., most likely your windows settings are preventing carcass from doing it's job.


I believe it is because of the metric system. Carcass needs to work with inches and commas. Fine, dont change it, dont blame me if it doesnt work!"


/end quote


I dunno what's the deal with the storm trooper .xsi file but dont trust it...you will never get anywhere with your custom characters if you dont change your regional settings and keyboard.


Also, your working directory is pretty long...you could get additional errors because of that. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Good luck.

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THx m8, i didnt get that error again...

but, somethin came up again, now i saw this about stupidtriangle off:



-------- C:\Programas\LucasArts\jkii\GameData\base\models\players\_humanoid\mode

l.car --------

( Build trigger: "c:\programas\lucasarts\jkii\gamedata\base\models\players\_huma

noid\model.glm" missing )

entering c:\programas\lucasarts\jkii\gamedata\base\models\players\_humanoid\mode


(90 degree skewing OFF)

Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames

Processing 'c:/programas/lucasarts/jkii/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/r


Processing meshes, LOD 0

Error: Vert (1) on mesh "Stupidtriangle_off" has no weights


( Press any Key ... )



What should i do to solve this?


May The Force Be With You...

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Well i managed to make the glm file, although it didnt write the CFG file for GLA-referencing model. Is this a big problem?

While in carcass despite creating the glm file n all n got the following part of it:


Building GLM...


Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(660) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500)

( "head" )


Writing GLM...

Mesh File: c:/programas/lucasarts/jkii/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/mo


1 LODs

file size: 156580


( Uses existing anim file: models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla )


Writing info file... OK

Ok ( Elapsed: 1 second )


( Press any Key ... )





What does this mean?


Another thing is that when i went to Modview to check out the model, the head, r_arm, r_hand n specific caps were out of place...

I opened the root.xsi in max to try to fix it, n place things in right place then go into carcass again, but it didnt work, got even worst...

i noticed that when either i selected the modifiers skin or editable mesh these parts moved, unlike to the rest of the body parts...

Does the weighting between meshes n bones have to do with this?

What should i do to solve this?


Btw, shouldnt the .skin file be created at the same time glm was? Or the .CFG wich will be the .skin?



I hope u my help me in this, since its very near to the end

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1.You have too many vertices making up your head object.


2.Not too sure about the caps being out of place, could be a reset xform issue, could be a bone enveloppe out of place.


The most probable cause of your problem is how you weighted the caps (not using the 50/50 method)


3.The .skin file will be created if you double click on the humanoid and check the "make ef1 type .skin file" or something like that.

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Was thinking about those things, but not so sure...

Thx ill c what i can do...

Now i want ur advises:

Should i apply Xform to each mesh after linking tags n hierarchy, before the weighting?

And also ally each mesh to the stupidtriangle_off?


About the head...

Well my model is a recreation of the character from tekken series, Devil...

If u know the character, it has that spiked hair n those horns...

I was thinking about detaching the hair n horns, leaving the face as head, like reborn has with the hood...

Do u think i should do this in order to have less vertices in the head?

N where do i link the hair_horns (example name for the new mesh), to the head only?

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The xform modifier must be applied before any linking or weighting.


I always align every mesh's pivot points to the "stupidtriangle_off" tag. I'm simply following raven's procedure. It does make sense because the stupid triangle off is a key element of the hierarchy, this will ensure a correct position of the whole character.


another advice: never move any bones out of place, make sure you hit ctrl-z if you have to (i rotate bones a lot to see the mesh deformation).

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oh n another thing, how i align the meshes pivot point to the stupidtriangle_off?

I select the mesh like r_arm, then go to Hierarchy tab, choose Pivot, then Affect Pivot Only, then press Align button n select stupidtriangle_off, in order to algin to it?


And what do i check in "Align Selection (stupidtriangle_off)" window?

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Originally posted by AFL_CARNAGE

oh n another thing, how i align the meshes pivot point to the stupidtriangle_off?

I select the mesh like r_arm, then go to Hierarchy tab, choose Pivot, then Affect Pivot Only, then press Align button n select stupidtriangle_off, in order to algin to it?


And what do i check in "Align Selection (stupidtriangle_off)" window?



That's exactly what you said...you have to check the pivot point for both and align to XYZ., when done correctly, you will see your pivot point line up exactly at the center of the "stupidtriangle_off".


Originally posted by AFL_CARNAGE

N what about the head?

Should i detach the hair n horns n then link the new mesh to the head?"


It's up to you i guess. I know i would make horns separate pieces. Maybe not the hair.

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Do i check XYZ in "Align Position (World)", "Align Orientation (local)" or "Match Scale"?


Cant be match scale cause it changes meshes size....


And do i leave "Center" checked in both "Current Object:" and "Target Object:"?


Btw, in "Xform" modifier do i have to change anything? "Gizmo" and/or "Center"?


The 50/50 weighting i apply in joints n caps right?

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