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The Obvious Plot of MI5 - prequel - duh

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So do I, but I don't happen to think that Patrick Kebb's ideas are particularly good, nor are they well thought out. A prequel would be good though - it'd allow us to find out a little more about Guybrush, perhaps find out his origins, how he got washed up on Melee Island (ignore the lack of accenting, I'm a tired, lazy man today) and why he suddenly decided he wanted to be a pirate. Personally, I think he got hit on the head.

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Remember in SOMI in the LeChuck scene when Bob comes along and tells LeChuck of Guybrush's arrival to Melee (I don't think anyone can be bothered with teh accenting, of course some smart arse will come along shortly with it in anyway). He says something along the lines of "I'm really happy you came along, attacked my ship, killed all my crew and made us part of your crew of the undead." (not exact).


Here's a snippet from from my novel 'The Soveriegn of Monkey Island' on Worldofmi (can't read it now because mixnmojo is down, but here's the link anyway, for when it's back, or e-mail me for a copy)


It is six in the afternoon and the sun is just about to set. A young man sits in the sands of a secluded island. He has no idea where he’s going, or where he had been, he just knew that the sunset looked beautiful from that beach. That’s all he cared about, that’s all he knew to care about.

But things were about to change.

Before he knew what was going on, he was grabbed by two strong men and carried away. He struggled to get out, but didn’t succeed. He was thrown onto a ship with a load of other prisoners and the grate was shut on him. It was dark.

The ship sailed for hours, rocking back and fourth. The prisoners couldn’t see each other faces, but most didn’t really want to. The young boy had realised very early on that, this was a slave ship and he was going to be bartered for money. But he didn’t have a prayer.

Unfortunately, neither did the ship and its occupants.

No one understood it at the time although later a lot of them found it made perfect sense, but a ship had appeared from out of nowhere right next to theirs. There was no fog or mist, no way of hiding themselves. It had been told that many a strange things happen in these waters. This was not expected. But that wasn’t the half of it, for on top of the mast they saw the most fearsome sight ever, the skull and cross bones, the mark of the Jolly Roger, and it was aflame. These were ghost pirates.

Cannons fired as was mandatory for any sea battle. The crew found there high class cannonballs doing nothing to the other ship; it was as if it was going straight through the ship. But the cannons protruding from the other ship were doing mass damage. Suddenly, the crew looked around and found themselves surrounded by pirates.

Straight into action they went as the battle began and all that could be heard was the swish of metal and the clang of steel. The young man heard lingo that only a pirate would understand, and down in the hold the boy watched through the grate and saw the brave and courageous acts of these heroic men. He was enticed by the feel of cold steel, the blood on the deck made his mouth water and the sound of the cannons and clangs of swords made him tingle inside. He now had a purpose.

The last words he heard on the ship were ‘I don’t care if you feel seasick, we need someone to lead us through that patch of coral or else no one will survive this battle, what? What do you mean there’s no paper, I put a fresh roll in this morn-’

And then came the crash.


Waking up, face down in ankle deep seawater nine minutes later, the young boy only had one thing on his mind, where am I, what happened, what’s going on. He had so many questions without answers. So the first thing he said to the world in general was:

‘I wanna be a pirate!’


Now of course, I'm not saying that becasue of what happene ni the game, this is the only, or indeed a possibility, this is just something I cooked up for my story, but i'd consider it to be pretty good.

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