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but i would like to know how to take a screenshot of myself. I know there is a way to set the viewer so it is facing you. cg_thirdpersonangle 180 I think is the command but each time I put that on my server it tells me that cheat codes are not enabled. I do not know how to enable cheat mode on my server and thus the problem because I don't even know if that is the right command or not.


Also I think there is a way to take a screenie so there isn't any of the words or icons like health on the botton right and the leader in the top left. I think it is something like screenwash or something but I have no idea.


Thanks a lot.



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First, open your console and type devmap [map]. This will enable cheats on the map. A couple of the cvars to manipulate the camera are as follows:


- cg_thirdPersonHorzOffset - Horizontal Offset (ie, how far to the left/right of you)


- cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp - Not really sure on this one.. play around with it, weird effect.


- cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp - How tightly the camera follows you. If you set it to 0, it will remain stationary while you move.


- cg_thirdPersonVertOffset - Vertical Offset (ie, how high/low to the ground the camera is)


- cg_thirdPersonPitchOffset - The angle at which the camera looks in comparison to the ground. {ie, Looking straight at you, straight down on you, or straight up at you)


- cg_thirdPersonAngle - Camera position around your body (ie, looking at your back or front)


- cg_thirdPersonRange - Camera distance from your model.


To turn off all the drawing (HUD) and whatnot, enter into your console: cg_draw2d 0. cg_draw2d 1 will turn it back on.


Enter cg_drawGun 0 to turn off your gun in first person view and cg_drawgun 1 to turn it back on.


There's a useful bind for screenshots too. Enter bind [anykey] screenshot silent into your console. Then just press that key to take the screenshot without it displaying the message that it was written.

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