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Putting togather a Team for IJ&TET

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by GendoTheGreat

The trouble will be finding a place where I can set off a gun and control the audio environment at the same time. I may also have to get some tips on proper methods for clean recordings. Let's say my membership is pending.

roger, roger


we have to sort things out anyways

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On the other hand, I may not only be able to do all that, but I know a guy who knows a guy who might give me a loan of some serious hardware - submachineguns, assault rifles, maybe even a rocket launcher. If not I'm pretty sure I can simulate anything you need (unless we're talking really old-timey stuff.) The real thing is much more fun, though. :D

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Okay Now that we are allowed to edit this game

we have to figure out how to do it.

The most important files are the MSH,MTX and SLSfiles. The MSH and MTX files are in the meshes folder this is for the graphics. The next important file is the SLS files. This is found in the levels folder this is used for levels.

Now people please help.

Remember any files you modify cant be uploaded anywhere other than http://www.lucasfiles.com

We need to convert the MSH and MTX files into another 3d format and the SLS files into another level format.

We are SOOO close into getting new Indy adventures and new weopons new everything. All you need is to help.

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ok ive figured what these are




for indys...and others movements, not sure how to get int it though




im thinking mtx is mabye a coded image, most likely a single image, but im also thinking it could be like JO and pk3 files, they where just renamed zip files but when i tryed that with these but nothing.


so far all we can edit is



the product screen for the game



oh and to get my friend where gonna have to wait awhile hes way to busy with our MOD and i dont personnaly see him till next september

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Do you have any clue how to convert the MSH files into another 3d format or unpack or convert the MTX files?


What about if we replace the Indiana Jones animations with the MeiYing?


Maybe by doing that we could play Indy but with MeiYing's animations?

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i doubt that, they usually compine the skeleton with the model so im suggesting that maybe you should rename, replace and do vice versa for YeiMing with indys name so that you see indy insted of yei and yei insted of indy, i think this should work, if not make backups incase

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