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Favourite MI3 Character


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Besides Guybrush, who was your favourite 'supporting' character in MI3? I just fully played the whole game for the first time and I was totally impressed... except for the disappointingly abrupt ending which I forgave simply because I've read reviews where they've admitted they just ran out of time. Anyway, I needed a few stitches in my side after I burst several times while playing.


My favourite characters besides Guybrush... and Murray because he's so OBVIOUSLY everybodies favourite...


Mr Fossey

"Right after my dinner... what's that captain? I eat too much fried chicken!? I... I guess I have a weakness for fried chicken... not like YOU sir... you have no weaknesses... you're such a high achiever..."




He's so cute, I just want to KISS him



I didn't like her in MI1 or MI2, but in MI3 she shone... except for her accent which really annoyed me. For some reason. Her design was great too. Only they sort of mixed up her personality... she was really fiery and tough in some scenes and all gooey and sweet and clueless in others.

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ok, my favorites were probably:


1. elaine: she was kinda cool.

2. kenny: "thanks a lot, mister. you just put a budding young entrepreneur out of business."

3. madame xima was pretty funny.

4. the snow cone guy: "...sweet cones, meat cones..." he just said so many stupid names of weird cones that it was funny, in a twisted kind of way.


not in any particular order, of course.

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I have a soft spot for the ghosts. I think it's sweet, after all those years they're still in love. Awwwwwww :)


Mort's fab, I love him, oh and Dinghy Dog and Kenny, oh and Blondebeard, and basically everyone

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Was it just me or right from the moment Elaine was frozen in that position, did you guess that somewhere toward the end of CD2 she'd be unfrozen and smack Guybrush in the face anyway?


Come to think of it, I loved Kenny. "I decided to deal in arms instead." LMAO "One super-dupey cannon coming up....I'll get my mom to fit it for you right away.... MOM!"

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Originally posted by Yufster

Was it just me or right from the moment Elaine was frozen in that position, did you guess that somewhere toward the end of CD2 she'd be unfrozen and smack Guybrush in the face anyway?


My thoughts exactly at the moment she turned into gold :)

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