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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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First, you would set up your character in "Edit Profile" under User CP, just as follows:


Element (dark, light, water, fire, air, earth, and any other element listed)- most elements have weaknesses to others, if I'm correct.


Gender (the sex type of your character)


Side (or alliance): If you choose the good guys, you're human. If you're evil and have darker tendencies, you're an Orc.


Class- the type of warrior you wish to be. (Thief, Black or White Mage, Ex-Soldier, Samurai, Ninja, Assassin, Geomancer, or any other class type not mentioned above.)


As for fighting battles, the battles are turn based, meaning if I attack you when your not online, I have to wait for your response. Sometimes there's a server advantage where if I'm stronger than you and I haven't responded, sometimes you'll be able to make another attack.


Basically, you just challenge whoever you want, and you are given a couple choices to fight back with:


Use a potion (if you've bought one from the Item shop.)


Attack with a weapon (same as above)


Punch your opponent (I'd use a weapon if he was wearing armor, because sometimes punches will only be deflected and will even cause your man to lose some health.)


Cast a spell


Call a draw.


Or the last option, retreat (You'll be called a coward if you choose this option and run, but its your choice.)


And once your AP (the yellow bar) hits a breaking point, you'll be able to check the "You're angry" box in the list of fight options in order to boost your offense for one turn. If you miss an opponent with a regular attack, your anger will rise. If you miss an opponent with an anger-powered attack, your AP goes back to 0 and you cannot use it again until you reach that breaking point.


You will also advance in levels as you gain combat experience. (Check my "Stats" link below.)


During the fights, you can chat with or taunt your opponent.


That's how the RPG Battle works. We take turns attacking each other until one of us dies, retreats, or calls a draw.


Now does it make sense?

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