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-Alliance- Recruitment

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We are a Rebel Strike Force that needs your help. We need new recurits to help irradicate the Empires forces from our galaxy. We need anyone and every skilled person to join and become part of our community. We are the dawn of a new revolution. We will be victorious.


Our conquest for peace in the galaxy will start in Naboo. We will make a base there. Once we entrench ourselves there we will expand our rebellion and get anyone and everyone willing to join. Diplomacy will be our strategy. We will never use force until neccessary. Join today and fight for peace.

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Originally posted by SILENT_ASASSIN

We are a Rebel Strike Force that needs your help. We need new recurits to help irradicate the Empires forces from our galaxy. We need anyone and every skilled person to join and become part of our community. We are the dawn of a new revolution. We will be victorious.


Our conquest for peace in the galaxy will start in Naboo. We will make a base there. Once we entrench ourselves there we will expand our rebellion and get anyone and everyone willing to join. Diplomacy will be our strategy. We will never use force until neccessary. Join today and fight for peace.


I'm already in a PA mate, but i wish you the best of luck in your recruitment for your PA. :D

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