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What do you think of Galaxies?

Link Antilles

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I'm assuming 10-15 bucks a month is going to be the going rate to play the game. And I'll pay it! :) That game looks SO good! I hope its not choppy or anything on a 56K modem..but it probably will be :(

What do you think of it Link? Are you gonna play? What race? :)

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Originally posted by EndSub

i don't.....it's against every moral fiber in my body to have to pay to play a game i already bought!


maybe if it was a free download.....but pay-to-play + $100 (i live in NZ...) is just to steep for me :(

You pay $100 for your ISP?! Oh, I feel sorry for you :(

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

There is no way Galaxies is gonna cost more than $60... at first anyways... ;)

But he lives in New Zealand. Prices differ there.

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Originally posted by Kvan

I'm assuming 10-15 bucks a month is going to be the going rate to play the game. And I'll pay it! :) That game looks SO good! I hope its not choppy or anything on a 56K modem..but it probably will be :(

What do you think of it Link? Are you gonna play? What race? :)




It looks realy fun!

Most likely.

Human, Trandosan, or Mal Cal.


The only thing I don't like about the game is the fee.

( I'm very cheap.:D )

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Originally posted by Link Antilles




It looks realy fun!

Must likely.

Human, Trandosan, or Mal Cal.


The only thing I don't like about the game is the fee.

( I'm very cheap.:D )

Yeah it seems like everyone on this board is cheap ;)

Really though, am I the only one who is going to play it?!

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

PlanetSide is gonna blow Galaxies away. Its a pay to play game too, but no restrictions and you can do anything you want in this game.

Like anything?! heheheeh...

The only game that I would pay to play right now is Galaxies..I've been dreaming of a SW game like this for a long time! :)

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Guest Lord Tirion

I couldn't agree with you more. It seems game developers dont know what a game is suppose to be anymore. Instead of fun, they look to make it a sort of 'online job' that people have to keep playing in order to get anywhere or achieve anything. That to me takes the fun OUT of the game. Thats why I stopped playing EQ a long time ago and play games like Diablo II, UT, and AokTC. I will be getting PlanetSide, but that is the first and ONLY mmog that makes it so you dont have to play non stop to achieve anything. Now you know why I cant wait till SWGB comes out because I am so sick of all these new games coming out that are the same thing over and over. "Les go loot this uber armor so I can pk all those noob's arses!"

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Guest Lord Tirion

Its not just combat. You can be a medic, a spy, you can be on recon, a pilot, supply driver.. anyting. Even a mine sweeper. You can stay in your base and go to your facilities and do target practice, buy new items for your barracks to spruce it up. You can just walk around as well (by your base of course).

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

I couldn't agree with you more. It seems game developers dont know what a game is suppose to be anymore. Instead of fun, they look to make it a sort of 'online job' that people have to keep playing in order to get anywhere or achieve anything. That to me takes the fun OUT of the game. Thats why I stopped playing EQ a long time ago and play games like Diablo II, UT, and AokTC. I will be getting PlanetSide, but that is the first and ONLY mmog that makes it so you dont have to play non stop to achieve anything. Now you know why I cant wait till SWGB comes out because I am so sick of all these new games coming out that are the same thing over and over. "Les go loot this uber armor so I can pk all those noob's arses!"

Well I guess you never found people that truly liked rpg's then. :( An RPG isn't about fighting and killing its about interaction between people. Its sad that some people make it a hack 'n slash but that isn't what its about.

"I will be getting PlanetSide, but that is the first and ONLY mmog that makes it so you dont have to play non stop to achieve anything. " Where does it say that with Galaxies you have to, too? I think your prejudging a game before its even out

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Guest Lord Tirion

I got in a huge debate with Holocron over that very fact and it got me banned and I never even said anything bad or of bad taste. Their FAQ has contradictions all over the place. They say that people can be whatever they want even if they dont play a lot, then a couple of lines down the FAQ, it says that it will take lots of work and dedication to achieve goals... isnt that a contradiction? Then the all too familiar who can be a jedi/dark jedi debate that ravaged those forums for months. First they said it was not random and everybody was happy. Then all of a sudden comes the "organic system" line and all hell broke loose. They said it wont be random or a system, yet they use that very word "system" in their FAQ. The smart people knew that the devs were just trying to blow smoke up our arses to make everybody happy and buy the game to make them more money. But the people in the world who can read between the lines know that you can never have your cake and eat it too. Galaxies team was too busy trying to smokescreen everybody to like their game that they didnt stop to ask what their customers really wanted in the game.


As for people online in rpg games, you are right. I have only found a handful of people that I can trust or have fun with in a game. There are too many grief players who only care about themselves and not their friends or guild. That is why I formed Nexsis which is comprised with people I know are the best damn people I have ever met online and I can fully trust. Heck, some people I have known for years in Nexsis. And that is a rarity online. I just hope I can find more people who are mature and are more interested in having fun instead of worrying about what loot they get or who is stronger and other non-sense like that. Games all boil down to one thing.. fun. But like I said, that seems to be slipping deeper and deeper down the abyss of mass hype and marketing in this day and era.

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Wow! That was one LONG reply. You win just for the length of your reply alone! :)

The game is still a year away(or more), I think we need to give it time to know the answers for sure.

Sorry to hear you were banned :(

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Guest Lord Tirion

Woah, I didnt realize how long that came out neither lol. Well, lets just hope my ideas and debates I got into with the devs pays off and helps the players who are getting the game. Lets face it, that game is going to sell big. Not because of what is inside the game box, but because of what is ON the game box. STAR WARS. If STAR WARS wasnt stamped on that game box, it would be just like any other mmorpg game coming out in a galaxy near you ;)

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Originally posted by Link Antilles

I'll just stick w/ Galaxies.


It's bad enough paying one fee.

The Internet fee is high enough!

I think I'll stick with one too. PlanetSide looks good and all but its gonna be hard to play Galaxies, PlanetSide, and other games , while still maintaining some sembalance of a life... I'll go with Galaxies first and if its not everything I expected I'll check out PlanetSide.

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