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Which BSP compiling option should I choose for the final level?


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Till now I've been using the "FullVis" only. I read about every compiling option on rich's tutorial site but I could hardly understand :( He mentioned that you should use some process which can take hours too? Please let me know which one to use for my final version.


Thank you

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Ok your royal highness-

Try this:

If your using Q3Map2 go to the next step, otherwise download it here!


Then- for faster Configuration- download Q3Map2Toolz (sorry, I only found this so far at fp.com, therefore you need a Gamespy-User to download it).


Now, after configurating it, you should be able to select your level from the left window and then start configurating the compiler- make sure you have selected the right compiler on every tab- normally it should be "compiler2" with "compiler1" being sof2map.exe.


Anyway, for the tabs:

Under BSP- select the following:

  • leaktest
  • meta
  • patchmeta


  • fast

Now for the tricky part-


  • fast
  • patchshadows
  • Bounce "8"
  • Samples "3"
  • Samplesize "4"


If your light-entities seem to be too bright either do a compile without the bounce argument OR try the option "bouncescale" (Light-Nextoption-Tab) to something lower than 1...


Hope this helps ya a bit :)

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For lighting, it really just depends on the style you're going for. I love how we have so many options with it. What i've been using for really soft, detailed shadows (using sof2map):


sof2map -all -extrawide -patchshadows -samplesize 1 <mapName>.map


"all" just does the standard BSP and vis process

"extrawide" is what softens the shadows, appling an anti-aliasing (there's also "extra" which does a less detailed job with that)

"patchshadows" i think just calculates shadows for patch brushes.. i haven't tested that though

"samplesize 1" this is essentially the resolution of the lightmap, or rather the shadow detail. The lower the value, the more detailed they'll be.


..and then i use an ambient lighting of 16


What're the "samples" and "bounce" options for, Tigris? sof2map doesn't support those does it?

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