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n00bish questions about MP and 1.04 patch


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Hey all,


I just bought this game yesterday, and started playing the singleplayer missions up to the the end of the 2nd mission, a couple hours worth of time.


Then I tried the multiplayer, and was surprised at how few servers there seemed to be. I tried a random sabre-only FFA server for a while, died many times, and went to bed.


I realised today that I never upgraded to the 1.04 patch, which explains the "lack" of servers I sw online. Now my question is, will I lose my saved single player games by upgrading now? It would suck if I did, but the MP is probably worth it I guess.


Second; what do I need to know/do to be decent in MP? I'm not a total n00b to FPS, so I know the really obvious stuff like re-binding the controls to a better scheme. Trying to saber duel was really different than any other FPS experience I've had though; I really got smacked down just jumping onto a server and trying to learn as I went. Any advice for getting better at this seemingly unique skill? Or am I just in for a long learning curve of getting owned by people who have been playing for longer.


I haven't gotten the saber in the single-player game yet; will playing through the single player missions with it help my multiplayer at all?

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You need to visit my site (Outcast Strategy.. see link in my sig), my young apprentice. That should give you help on all the basics, plus links to other places where you can continue your training.


To answer some of your questions...


The single player game is only patched up to 1.03. 1.04 contains all the changes of 1.03 plus some new changes.


So if you upgrade to 1.03 or 1.04 (SP will be upgraded from 1.02 to 1.03) and you will lose your saved games. You can use cheats to warp to where you were before, and give yourself the force powers you had (see gamefaqs.com for the appropriate codes).


Hopefully you are at a good stopping point before you do this.


SP basically just has a few bug fixes, not a lot changes. The main changes in the patches are for MP.


If you are just starting MP, I recommend starting with 1.04 fresh, so you won't be confused by earlier versions. Visit my site and practice, practice, practice, against bots, then humans.


Single player really won't help you at all when it come to MP. They are like entirely different games. All you really carry over between the two are basic FPS skills. The way the weapons and powers work is different in MP than SP in many aspects and has a different "feel."

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Welcome to the game WRXpilot, and to the boards! :D


Yup, I'm afraid it's just practice; but it's amazing how quickly you pick it all up. The thing to do is find some 'friendly' duel servers that aren't full of fanboys. I find the Jolt.co.uk ones to be quite good (although feel free to disagree :p or name some more, I'm always on the lookout).


And also, as a relative noob to MP, I can also vouch that the SP and MP modes are different in terms of style. Although I still enjoy a spot of SP quite often.


So, enjoy, and I'll see you out there!


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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

MP games take a little getting used to, practice on bots then learn more from fellow players :)

This is definitely the way to go IMO. Once you are able to defeat bots on the highest settings, then you should be able to be decent online. There is no subsitute for humans, but playing bots allows you to learn timing and tricks. Don't get discouraged, it won't take long to be competative! :)
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Thanks for the responses, I feel a little better after playing MP for a few hours and managing to win a few duels.


I'm still not terribly good with the force yet though.


Kurgan: Thanks for pointing me to that (your?) site, it was really helpful, especially on helping me figure out which Force powers counter each other and such.

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As far as getting killed as soon as you stepped into the arena goes i know what you mean.....i've been playing for about 3 weeks now and up until a few days a ago i was getting my butt kicked every night:( the saber fighting is quite a big learning curve and takes some getting used to, the only tip i can give you is always use the red (strong) fighting style and try to learn it as well as you can.....all the best people i have fought seem to use the red style, or you can simply force-grip em' and throw em' over the ledge to their doom:D great fun:D


Mr. F

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Originally posted by Mr. Furious

As far as getting killed as soon as you stepped into the arena goes i know what you mean.....i've been playing for about 3 weeks now and up until a few days a ago i was getting my butt kicked every night:( the saber fighting is quite a big learning curve and takes some getting used to, the only tip i can give you is always use the red (strong) fighting style and try to learn it as well as you can.....all the best people i have fought seem to use the red style, or you can simply force-grip em' and throw em' over the ledge to their doom:D great fun:D


Mr. F


I would say that try to learn how to use all 3 style and swap to each when required. as if some one trying to use kick a lot try blue and lunge, and in a fight if they dont notice you swap to yellow and do a DFA in yellow style you might get a quick kill in :)

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Kurgan: Thanks for pointing me to that (your?) site, it was really helpful, especially on helping me figure out which Force powers counter each other and such.


Np. I run the site, and most of the content is done by me. But there are important contributions from sith and others who have contributed (in the user submissions page). Might as well read everything.... ; )

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