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Wnat to form a clan??


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Does anyone want to help me start a new clan?? I don't know what we are calling it yet. I can make a website for it I just need someone with a server. Whoever has the server gets second in command. The people who are here when we start it will be in the high council or whatever we are gonna call it. If you are interested post here.

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I just have a few questions to ask. Why do you wish to form a clan? Is there not a clan out there that suits you? If you like I may be able to help you find a clan as JMH has relations with many clans out there.


Is it just purely to be leader? if it is believe me it isnt all it cracks up to be but its your choice, all I'm saying is it might be easier to join another clan that already exist.


However I will glady give support and advice/help if you decide that you are going to do this. :yoda:

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Crimson Masters is looking for a person who knows how to make a site. I am trying but it is a slow process as I am learning this stuff on the fly. CM has a server that can hold 6-12 people depending on all the settings. It is not your basic dedicated server but since we aren't paying $35 a month on a server it suits us. Since I am based in CA also it would limit your lag if any. Also CM has rankings but each person basically has an equal say in practically all matters with room for advancement depending on how much you want to do. If you want a trial basis we can work something out. Either Email me or post at our forum:




If you don't want to join CM there are plenty of other clans out there and since there isn't an abundance of people wanting to join JKO clans I am sure most would welcome you.



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Interested in joining a clan? (Crimson Legion) we are a six member clan that is very united and we are accepting new members who which to join. please no 56k connections. Post here if you have any questions.


We hold practices on Mondays and Wensdays at 10:30 central standard time, Fridays are optional we expect to follow clan policies.


Clan Policies Are As Follows:

We are all expected to treat other members with the highest respect and to carry Honor of the clan.

• You will be kind, courteous, helpful and supportive of all members.

• You will be respectful to any person that visits any CL game. Treat them as guest and potential new member. Be welcoming.

• Unacceptable behavior includes but not limited to, name calling, ridiculing, threatening, destructive public humiliation not of a joking or friendly manner toward any member of CL or any associated alliances. Will be inforced by CL Counsil.

• You may lose privileges, titles, status, access, and respect or even worse be kicked from the clan if you are caught and charged with this offense.


Post On Join Requests On Our Website http://www.crimsonlegion.org

if you are interested in joining, please be sure to state the following:


*how you found out about us

*your age

*your location

*your connection

*what you feel you can offer



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Ahhh...Just the man I was looking for. I have an offer for you. Consider E.C.H.O, we haven't set up a server yet so we are brand new. You could be among our leaders. Don't just join some old clan, where you will just be another member, join us while we are fresh and become powerful! Think about it.;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Darth Blonde, any room for me? I just reinstalled Jedi Outcast a few days ago(though I still remember all the controls and specials, oddly enough) and wish to join a clan. I was a high ranking member and webmaster of an old JKII clan, but left because the clan was falling apart due to our clan leader. Let me know if I can join...oh and do you have a site? Thanks.

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