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Help with a few things


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Ok, here's the thing. I have had Jedi Outcast for a long time. I did not know that they had editing to it either. So now that I know, can anyone tell me what program to use and give me specific sites on where to download the best lightsabers, skins, and mods. I want to be able to get a different character to play with. Also I have the clone troopers in my MP, but how to I get them to over take the stormtrooper models in single player mode. That would be an accomplishment. Be very specific. I am not new to the game, but I'm new to this forum and to editing. Thanks

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Ok i haven't done this for a long time.... a long time, but from what i remember you...


1. Make a folder called models on your desktop, inside that another folder called players and inside that another folder with a name of a default character e.g. kyle (keep names lower case)


2. Open up your custom model .pk3 (use winzip or equivilent) and copy model.glm and default skin file to new folder you created.


3. Zip up your file and save as .pk3 file

i). right click on the models folder and add to zip.

ii). name it what you want

iii). make sure you have file extensions visable and replace the .zip with .pk3


4. Place in base folder


That replaces a SP character like Kyle... Hope it helps

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If you want to replace a NPC (non person character) e.g. stromtrooper Im even more shadey but here is how I think you can do it....


1. Same as changing Kyle that I posted but inside the folder e.g stromtrooper make another file called ext_data.


2. extract the npcs.cfg file from the stormtrooper/ext_data folder in the assests0.pk3 (in your base folder, use winzip to browse the file)


3. Palce in your new ext_data folder on desktop


4. Now rename every file that contains "clonetrooper" (or whatever your using) to stormtrooper or whatever NPC you are changing. This includes the default_skin file which can be opened using notepad


From then on I cant remember, think you just zip it up like above post.

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