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What's the deal w/ skin lighting?


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I've been mulling over this and I could be just a bit too picky, but I'm unsatisfied in the way JK2 overbritghtens the skin on my sword model.


Any of you master skinners out there have any good advice? I'm not going for a standard chrome saber look since it's a legendary blade; I was pushing the feel toward more of a white gold/silver (high polish, high specularity). But JK2 map lighting kills the detail when cast on the model.

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The lighting model that the Quake III engine uses takes a hit at accuracy by giving it a higher color range. This is at least how it's explained. You can try setting your overbright bits to a lower setting.

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Overbright bits? I'm nooooo skinner. I'm not familiar with this talk. I didn't want to just lower the brightness for fear of losing what little tonal range I have. The skin is very high contrast B&W (only one smudged grey(ay) to set the illusion it's highly polished metal).


Should I maybe use more midtones, darken it, and then make a specular map to give it a shine? Write a shader to eliminate the use of map lighting?


I'm really lost for ideas at this point; I just want it to look good.

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Try to avoid using a lot of highly saturated or light colored pieces. Keep your value range fairly dark, with few, if any highlights being strong and sharp. That's about as good as I can explain it.

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Good enough for me. I noticed myself that bright highlights just shine so bright! Geeze, I go to art school they say, you need more contrast...more darks, more lights...now I'm back to painting greyed images? Sheesh. lol. *See kiddies, this is why you can't learn art from video games.*

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