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Clan Olympus is recruting!


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Clan Olympus are now recruiting new members, the clan is based in Sweden and we only belive in fights with lightsabers, no other weapons!

We do neither use the force, except the ability to jump higher ...

We are an honorable clan and we will not except spammers etc.

If you you are interested in knowing more about our clan or wish to apply for a spot you can visit our forum at:




Our homepage is at:




We welcome players from all countries as long as you are a mature person!


You can also visit us at mirc


Network: Quakenet

Channel: #osclan-jk2


There we can discuss whatever questions you may have and arrange time and place for a trial.


We are also registerad at clanbase on the 2vs2 ladder. No force!




Leader of Clan Olympus

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, me and a friend started the clan because we wanted a clan

that was diffrent from others, we do not like fighting with the force nor any other weapons than the lightsaber. Some players share our opinion and others dont.


I think that fighting with no force and only with the lightsaber makes the game funnier atleast when playing matches against other clans... When playing with the force agains other clans you only get gripped and sliced and I do not think that is any fun at all. The game becomes much funnier if you can really team up and have great saberfights!

But of course, sometimes we do use the force but not when playing matches.


And to aswer merlinovas question, our clan is doing fine I think. We have had a little break because of school work and such but we intend to get the clan going now when almost everyone in the clan got their summer holidays started :D

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As I said, diffrent people thinks diffrent.

When fighting with only the lightsaber the fights get more intense

and longer.

You need to have a good tactic when attacking!




When playing against someone with the force there is always someone abusing it. Example: For some weeks ago me and another member of Clan Olympus went to duel on a force server for fun... and what did we see, the guy that won all the time spammed "kick" and lightsaber throw all the time... very irretating!

How fun is that?


Nah, I prefer fights without the force, atleast for me the game get more funnier to play.

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