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Slime and Grass


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NOTE: i posted this like 2-3 hours ago, but the post is gone... I think....



Anyways, I put some slime in my map, and made it a trigger_hurt, its slow with dmg 4. But it wont show up. I dotn know how to fix this, and its the best part of that room!


And now for grass, i put the MD3 in, it shows up, but not in game, so whats up with that?


Please, and help would be be really nice!





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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

I put some slime in my map, and made it a trigger_hurt, its slow with dmg 4. But it wont show up. I dotn know how to fix this, and its the best part of that room!-lukeskywalker1


What won't show up? the slime or the damage?


If the slime does not show up is it a texture or a shader?

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I had the same problem. Just create a trigger_hurt brush and place it in the exact same area as the slime.


I don't think that water/slime brushes react well to becoming entities. They have enough to think about being just being watery.


As for the models. Do other models show up in your map? There may be a glitch in the particular model that you are trying to use. Try inserting a few other models and see if they show up

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The trigger hurt worked with water, oh well, ill do what you say.


Yes other models work. These are the models that dont work, they came in game, and ive seen them in the yavin temple level. But they wont show up in game, only in Radiant







There just not there. :confused:


Any other help would be appreciated




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