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SPOILER! Help w/ Secret in Nar Shaddan


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I know there is an open chute in Nar Shaddan (sp?) right above the garbage bin that takes you to the next level. But I can't figure out how the hell to jump into it.


Has anyone does it and how exactly did you do it? Where were you standing on the garbage bin? Did you use crouch at all? Did you use first person view or third? Did you move while jumping or use force speed?



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I never figured it out, nor did I no-clip to find out whats inside, so it could contain treasure for all I know. Once I tried force pulling the Weequay and mario bouncing on his head to go higher. It works, but I could never land on the ledge, so I gave up and beat the game, instead.

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No, the opening with the grate above the droid was not the one I was talking about. When you first jump on the garbage bin (platform) that carries you down the street, there is a vent (tunnel) that is open right above you. It is very hard to get inside, but not impossible. Finally made it on like my 20th try by jumping and crouching midway through my jump.


The opening above the droid is the exit for that secret area.

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I know exactly what you are talking about. I've tried about 100 times and still can't get it. And, yes, it does seem the opening above the droid on the platform is the EXIT for this particular secret area. I originally tried to ENTER that way but it is far too high to jump.


This secret is just driving me crazy and my fingers are sore hitting my damn keyboard over and over and over again. Anyone got a solution to this one?



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Actually there are two entrances and two exits to that secret area. (Three exits if falling to your death is acceptable.)


Entrances: A. The one you (Alientookmybeer) took. (Very hard jump from the barge into the vent opening.)


B. You can jump from the panel the R-5 removed up to the ledge above, and enter there. (Jumping from the R-5's head is extremely hard if not impossible.)



Exits: A. You can exit at the ledge above the R-5.


B. You can drop (back) out the vent opening to your death.


C. You can destroy the explosive crate to get to the goodies, and then drop down directly onto the barge thru the now open vent.

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Thanks for the info ManwithSaber.


I simply cannot get this to work! Ugh!


I can't jump onto the panel at all. Do you have to move the R5 to give room?


From the barge is impossible also. It just don't work! lol



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Well, I thought I tried every way possible to get in the way above the droid, so I can't vouch for whether or not it is easier to try it that way.


But, to get in the chute I got in I recommend switching to lightsaber view (I usually do this with the lightsaber off). For some reason, that seems to make the extremely difficult jumps easier for me. Make sure you are on the moving cart in a position where you can jump up without hitting the door to the chute. And then keep trying that jump over and over again (I hope your reload time's faster than mine) and vary the timing of when you press the crouch key and when you press the move forward key. That's all I can suggest... it's just a secret... give up and move on to the rest of the game if it gets too frustrating...

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Yes, I forgot. The first thing to do is get the R-5 out of the way. (Push or pull depending on your mood.) Then put your shoulder to the wall next to the panel. Turn slightly into the wall. (You need to be looking down the wall, but angled toward it slightly.)


Press and hold jump, then near the top of the jump press forward to land on the panel. (The panel is narrow and can be tough to land on.) For the jump to the ledge, press forward and jump at the same time. (Hold down the jump button of course.) If you're too close, you'll bounce off the edge of the ledge. Adding the crouch as you touch the ledge may help, but shouldn't be necessary.


I find the jump from the barge much harder than the two jumps from R-5. (Bear in mind I'm on the Xbox.) Alientookmybeer's instruction's are spot-on if you want to try it that way. I also always use third person for difficult jumps. (All jumping if I have a choice.)

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Thanks all! I have gone on with the game but I saved at that point in the game so I could give it a go.


I'd just blow it off and move on except I like to drag the game out as long as possible. I mean, when the game is done...it's done! Getting my money's worth, I suppose... :D



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I think my 2nd post should be clear, but my 1st may have been a little confusing. I forget the smuggler's name, but I think it was Reelok? Anyway, he was a garbage hauler so I assumed that everyone knew that when you jumped on the platform that took you transporterd you to the next level, they realized it was a garbage hauler (garbage bin). Of course, the graphics in this game didn't go so far as to fill the platform up with garbage,so I understand where I may have caused some confusion....sorry

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