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Matrix Agent Mod para JKII.


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:deathstar - Hey, I'm new to these forums, but I had a mod question. Sometime last year there was a mod that I saw someone use in JediOutcast during an MP game - - if you tried to snipe them, they would duck, dodge, or turn à la Agents from the Matrix movies. Complete with trails and everything. Does anyone know where I can find this??


It was cool as hell, but it sucked because I couldn't shoot him. Anyways, I was telling this to my friend yesterday and he thought it sounded awesome, but now that I'm actually looking for it - I can't find it anywhere. :deathii:



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Nah your all mistaken what he is talking about is Force Seeing, Activate it ten get someone to snipe you and you will dodge if you have enought force points on, to see this i reccomend putting full points in seeing and get your mate to shoot you with he sniper gun and you will dodge like an agent.


Have fun



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Originally posted by Squater

Ehm, they were propably using seeing. :rolleyes: If you use level 3 force seeing, you can duck snipers.


Originally posted by ScOrPiOn_37

Nah your all mistaken what he is talking about is Force Seeing, Activate it ten get someone to snipe you and you will dodge if you have enought force points on, to see this i reccomend putting full points in seeing and get your mate to shoot you with he sniper gun and you will dodge like an agent.


Have fun




All? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by razorace

He's probably thinking Masters of the Force (MotF). The default Force Seeing Evasion stuff isn't very good and rarely, if ever, actually happens in MP.


Yes it does, if you use level 3 force seeing, you almost always dodge snipers.

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