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What was your very first RTS game.

Link Antilles

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My first 2 were. . . very first was 7th Legion (hasn't anyone heard of this game?) and my second was when I borrowed C&C: Red Alert from my friend. :D

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The original Command & Conquer. For a year before it came out I tried deperately to find Dune 2 for the Genesis (we didn't have a computer back then). I remember thinking how cool that game sounded, but I never managed to locate it. Months later we got our first computer and that Christmas C&C was at the top of my Christmas List! I remember installing it for the first time (even the install program was cool!) and landing at the beaches in the first GDI mission. I was blown away with how cool that was. Landing craft, infantry rushing ashore, turrets firing at us, and a patrol boat giving us covering fire.


I fell in love that day and I've been hooked on RTS games ever since;)

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