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prt / srf


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I just can't get rid of the prt and srf files in my map directory after compiling for the 12 th time. What is wrong I tried correcting the map file in NOTEPAD but that doesn't seem to work.....


I have searched for info on the matter.....I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. I have gone over and over this map with L J. And we can't seem to get the problem solved........:confused:


Any help or suggestion would be great.... :D

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The .prt file is a list of the portals in a map, generated by an optional -saveprt option in the call to VIS (this lets you load the portal file in Radiant to see where the map is splitting). A .srf file is used for surface lighting in q3map2 compiles. Neither is necessary after a compile is complete, and neither is bad.

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An other little add-on. :D


The .prt file is generated by the BSP phase of the compiling process. It is for the VIS phase which deletes it normally, but with that -saveprt switch you can prevent this deletion.


So if you have the .prt file you have two options:

1. you used that -saveprt switch and everything is OK


2. there is a leak in your map



L_A_User: every time you send me that map file I fix it for you. What are you doing? :D

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You know Leslie I really appreciate you fixing my map. But I have to go in again and fix it myself yet again. I can't help what my computer does to the game engine or to the map. When I build a map I try to make as little mistakes as possible. But my comp. just wont let me do what I want to do.


Believe me when I say I can map like Wedge2211 or Livingdeadjedi!! I just need the right tools!! If my comp wont compile properly ther is nothing I can do. I guess Radiant programs wont let me make great maps.......:ball:


If I can't get Radiant to do what it's supposed to then I will have to stop mapping!!:(


Thanks again L J

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