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|GlobensGeng| - The Ultimate Jedi Outcast Clan


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Well, the site wasn't to bad. You guys posted me a reply, where you wrote something like

''Join our clan, insted of making a new!!''.

Try harder to make me join your clan next time.


All i have to say is ''Since [EU] is a Norwagian clan, and yours Swedish. I got a offer... WE CAN BE ALLIES, since we are ''Neigbour'' clans(Duh!)!!'':p

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I have talked to my clan on the issue of our alliance. We have come to this agreement: We wish to play your clan in a match (we are looking for good attitude more over than skill) what timezone are you in, let me know so we can set up a match. After we play you we will decided on the alliance.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Semicolon

It wouldn't let me see it..some link problems and a Swedish message which I couldn't read :(


I know, alot of people get that message...


It means smoething like: What you are looking for does not exist on our servers...


but it does, if you click on the link some times, you will get to it.

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