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Is Human Clong Immoral?


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ok now that that is sorted. i am doing a reasearch project on human cloning, and i actully can't find a reason why it is immoral in this societies eyes.


now there are three types of cloning:


Embryo cloning: This is a medical technique which produces monozygotic (identical) twins or triplets. It duplicates the process that nature uses to produce twins or triplets. One or more cells are removed from a fertilized embryo and encouraged to develop into one or more duplicate embryos. Twins or triplets are thus formed, with identical DNA. This has been done for many years on various species of animals; only very limited experimentation has been done on humans.


Adult DNA cloning: (aka cell nuclear replacement) This technique produces a duplicate of an existing animal. It has been used to clone a sheep and other mammals. The DNA from an embryo is removed and replaced with the DNA from an adult animal. Then, the embryo is implanted in a womb and allowed to develop into a new animal. It has not been tried on humans. It has the potential of producing a twin of an existing person.



Therapeutic cloning: This is a procedure that starts off like adult DNA cloning. However, the stem cells are removed from the embryo with the intent of producing tissue or a whole organ for transplant back into the person who supplied the DNA. The embryo dies in the process. The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce a healthy copy of a sick person's tissue or organ for transplant. This technique would be vastly superior to relying on organ transplants from other people. The supply would be unlimited, so there would be no waiting lists. The tissue or organ would have the sick person's original DNA; no immunosuppressant drugs would need to be taken.


-Religious Tolerance web site


post which ones you think each is immoral\moral and why.

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Human cloning is wrong, but the conseqeunces are. If we clone human oragans to make our life span longer the population on earth will reach huge heights. We'll start running out of resources and space pretty quickly. I say if we are gonna clone wait until we are able to colonize other planets.

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Guest crazy_dog

That or make cloning really expensive. Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with cloning, just not to clone people unless, we have a MASSIVE war or the Galactic Republic becomes existent. :D

By they way, who thinks it's a good idea to clone endangered species?

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Originally posted by crazy_dog

That or make cloning really expensive. Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with cloning, just not to clone people unless, we have a MASSIVE war or the Galactic Republic becomes existent. :D

By they way, who thinks it's a good idea to clone endangered species?

I think cloning endangered species is a good idea, as long as man (or hunters...meaning X-guy :) ) almost caused there extinsion and there is still something that hunts them (so they don't over populate).

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i don't want to bring in religion into this, and i won't. as far as what i know from the New York Times, scientists are experimenting with stem cell research to possibly finds roots of diseases, get an understanding of a disease and try to cure it if possible. however, cloning with the goal of just producing a "better you", or parents picking and choosing the looks of their children is just horrible. You came into a world with what you have for a reason. can you imagine cloning yourself but that your 'twin' was tweaked in someway? if this knowledge gets into the hands of the wrong people, you can have some guy wanting to pull off something such as, oh, Hitler's Aerian theme(sorry hitler followers). there is a fine line between the types of cloning possible, and a fine line among its uses....

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

i don't want to bring in religion into this, and i won't. as far as what i know from the New York Times, scientists are experimenting with stem cell research to possibly finds roots of diseases, get an understanding of a disease and try to cure it if possible. however, cloning with the goal of just producing a "better you", or parents picking and choosing the looks of their children is just horrible. You came into a world with what you have for a reason. can you imagine cloning yourself but that your 'twin' was tweaked in someway? if this knowledge gets into the hands of the wrong people, you can have some guy wanting to pull off something such as, oh, Hitler's Aerian theme(sorry hitler followers). there is a fine line between the types of cloning possible, and a fine line among its uses....

True but if you look at all scientific research, there is always a fine line that must not be crossed. :)

BTW Why are you not on AIM?

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

you're rite kvan, but this is THE fine line of all fine lines when it comes to research.



i'm not on b/c i'm Ghosting....

But didn't people say that when we studied Nuclear technology? I think there will always be something new that pushes the boundries of what we could/should do. :)

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I did a research project on this last year (from a biblical view) and i ended up with this: Why not?


1. Cloning isn't playing god, because he must still give life.


2. Although cloning isn't very consistant, neither is pregnancy, you only have about 1 chance per month to get pregnant, thats certainly not very consistant.


3. Cloning is not gonna be used to make a "better you" Thats an entirely different technology. Cloning would be used to enable infertile people have children, or to clone organs to use.


4. A persons character is caused by their upbringing. So, it would be impossible to make the exact same person twice. A clone would simply look similar, and maybe have some of the same tendancies of the original.


I know i had more stuff, but that is all i can think of right now.


So, in the end, cloning is a perfectly moral, although impracticle method of reproduction. As further advances in the field are made, i don't see why cloning shouldn't be done.

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Originally posted by Kvan

But Tie, what about the life span impications it could have? Over population is/could be a real big problem


By what your saying, we should stop trying to find a cure for AIDs or Cancer so that we won't be overpopulated. No one believes that, but you are saying (you just didn't realize it)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


By what your saying, we should stop trying to find a cure for AIDs or Cancer so that we won't be overpopulated. No one believes that, but you are saying (you just didn't realize it)

There will always be some disease we can't cure for a long time. Germs mutate constently. And people with new fatal disablities are born. So no, I'm not saying don't cure cancer or Aids. By all means go ahead and do that. Something new will always take its place

That sucks about the One-Child limit in China....I've heard a really sick story about it, its too gross to tell here :(

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I think cloning endangered species is ok, but I don't know about humans. I haven't done much research into human cloning, so i'm not treally sure about that. :)

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Okay it will happen sooner or later. That will be strange to see, but...it is inevitable...it is our destiny:emperor:


Personally I'll just let it unfold before me before I make a conclusion about it. My religion has nothing against it and I don't either. It is like we are not creating beings like God does. He created an perfect man and man was made imperfect by the sin in the garden so we are making another imperfect thing like ourselves and since they are imperfect like we are now they can be saved by the sacrifice at the cross...


You may disagree big time, but oh well. It is how I precive this problem...

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4. A persons character is caused by their upbringing. So, it would be impossible to make the exact same person twice. A clone would simply look similar, and maybe have some of the same tendancies of the original.



that isn't entirly accurate....one of the biggest arguments in the scientific world is what makes you you....Experiance or Genetics.....there was a couple of experiments carried out on identical twins that were seperated at birth......both of there husbands were very similer....they had the same jobs.... ect

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Guest xwing guy

Kvan I'm a hunter not a poacher, hunting just thins out the population not destroy it and us hunters just don't go out and slaughter a whole bunch of animals just because we feel like it, we hunt for food, for a good time, and for a head on the wall. Species become endagered because of poachers, dieseases, and natural habitat and predators, not hunters, except those buffalo hunters back during the old west days, they killed nearly all buffalo and left most of them lying to rot, that was a waste.

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ok since this is going along so nicly, I'l just add a little wood to the fire........


1)Theraputic Cloning, Kills the Fetus.....so if your Anti-Abortion you really should be Anti-Theraputic cloning.....


2)DNA replacement....well replaces the DNA, "killing" the child that could hace been.....


3)The Catholic Church belieaves you get your Soul at conseption.....and since there is no conseption in DNA replacement.......

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Originally posted by xwing guy

Kvan I'm a hunter not a poacher, hunting just thins out the population not destroy it and us hunters just don't go out and slaughter a whole bunch of animals just because we feel like it, we hunt for food, for a good time, and for a head on the wall. Species become endagered because of poachers, dieseases, and natural habitat and predators, not hunters, except those buffalo hunters back during the old west days, they killed nearly all buffalo and left most of them lying to rot, that was a waste.

You do know I'm kidding right? :) If you hunt for food thats one thing, anything else and I think your wrong. But thats my opinion

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Guest xwing guy

Well thats definatley a possibablity because of religion and all and thats one reason I'm against human cloning is because of religion. But I still think its funny though your walking down the street and you see some guy, then you see another guy and he's the other guys clone and you say "Hey, you look just like the other guy."

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