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Missing texture


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I ran into a problem when I was going to make a mirror on one of my levels, I found out that I was missing some textures (like the mirror-textures). I looked in the "common" folder in the asset0.pk3 file (and in all the other .pk3s and folders I have), but found only:








(that was all the files in the "common" texturefolder inside asset0.pk3)


And I also noticed that I don't have Caulk-Non Solid (or something).


I just wondered if anyone know why I'm missing some textures, and where I can find them... I'v tried to reinstall the game twice, and checked if the texture is in the actual game (I checked if the mirror texture was in the yavin_final level, and it wasn't). If any would bothered to send me the missing textures (the ones I know is missing at least), I would be very grateful.



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D'oh! I should have read your post more carefully. If you were actually looking in assets0.pk3 and textures were missing, something is broke. To repair a problem like that, I think you'll have to reinstall JK2.

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Belay that...


I noticed that you included all the file extensions (eg, glass2.jpg), which leads me to believe that you are, in fact, looking at the assets0.pk3 directory textures/common/. The mirror surface doesn't actually HAVE an image file associated with it, it's a SHADER. Ditto for most of the glass variants, they all use that glass2.jpg image, but are different SHADERS. Look at shaders/common.shader, you'll find the mirror in there. Or, you could load up the texture set in game and make sure textures > show shaders is checked.

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I'v read them both, and I'm grateful for all help. Sorry for the double thread, I didn't know which forum I should post in so i posted in two different forums, but one of them got moved. I understanded the shader-thing, but theres not mentioned any mirror in the common.shader-file


My common.shader-file:




qer_editorimage textures/common/glass2.tga

q3map_tesssize 48

qer_trans 0.5

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm trans



map textures/common/glass2




map textures/common/glass2

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment






qer_editorimage textures/common/glass2.tga

qer_trans 0.5

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm trans



map textures/common/glass2




map textures/common/glass2

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment






qer_editorimage textures/common/glass2.tga

q3map_tesssize 48

qer_trans 0.5

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm forcefield

surfaceparm trans



map textures/common/glass2




// tcMod scale 3 3


map textures/common/glass2

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment






qer_editorimage textures/common/glass2.tga

q3map_tesssize 48

qer_trans 0.5

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm forcefield

surfaceparm trans


cull disable


map textures/common/glass2




map textures/common/glass2

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment








map textures/common/caps



map textures/common/caps_glow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen wave noise 1 0.5 0 2




And the mirror-shader/texture doesn't appear in the game (in the yavin-final there is just a yellow wall where there should be a mirror).


Any suggestions?



Now that i ACTUALLY read the Leslie-post, I found the mirror in the system-texturepack, I just seem to remember being told that the mirror texture was in the common-texturepack. But still, the mirror-shader/texture doesn't show up in the Yavin Final level... But since that's not my actual problem, I'm not going to bother you guys with that, and rather say thanks for the help, thank you very much.

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