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(LAN Party) Traverse City Fragfest 6


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I don't know how many of you live in Michigan, much less Northern Lower Michigan, but I felt that I should make some of you aware of a great LAN party that we have up here every so often. This is the 6th one, and it's come a long way since the first. Anyways, we play a lot of *cough* Jedi Knight II Counter-Strike, Battlefield 1942, and usually quite a bit of Unreal Tournament (And 2003), as well as Quake 3, Serious Sam 1 & 2, and a whole slew of other games. Regrettably, not enough people care to play other types of games (Sure, when it's slow, a whole lot of people play games like Vice City, Enter The Matrix, and Postal 2), but it always turns out well anyways. I don't really play any FPS games other than Battlefield, but it's never stopped me from having a good time there. The LAN lasts for about 3 days, and it starts on June 20th. If anyone here is interested in coming, signup is open...again, I don't know if anyone here even lives anywhere nearby, but some people travel a good long ways for it (A Chicago clan came once, heh.). The website is:




Otherwise, this is, I guess, just spam.


I'm going to try and push for a Jedi Knight II tournament - as of now, there's little consideration of one, but if enough people show up to play, there probably will be - hence my posting here.

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