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Force powers


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What is your guys favorite force stratagy???Mine is force choking them off the edge:naughty:.Also, I've seen some messages when playing online that said"blank recieved a swift kick to the face from blank" How do you do that???

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Originally posted by BongoBob

"blank recieved a swift kick to the face from blank" How do you do that???


That means that someone has just been kicked to death. You kick by double clicking jump. You can kick sideways clicking only once.


And I enjoy putting absorb on and backing up to the edge of the void. Once the opponent attacks I jump and pull them beneath me to their doom. :)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

And I enjoy putting absorb on and backing up to the edge of the void. Once the opponent attacks I jump and pull them beneath me to their doom. :)

Wow, I've never thought of that before. Very clever....I think I'm gonna add that tech to my arsenal :)


I don't think I have on force tech that is my favorite, I just use whatever one the situation demands. Repetition becomes predictable, and predictability is equal to death. But, the one that puts a smile on my face is when people jump across pits, and they are alone or not suspecting an attack, and I do a push or pull from out of sight so they fall. Makes my day, but also makes me wary of jumping across gaps, 'cause someone is gonna do it to me.

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Originally posted by munik

Wow, I've never thought of that before. Very clever....I think I'm gonna add that tech to my arsenal :)


You might also want to try (while fighting someone) suddenly jumping over a pit and (while in mid air) turn 180 & pull. Result: You land safely on the other side but the opponent will faaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll.


(takes a lot of you force pool though.. absorb+jump+pull)

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Originally posted by BongoBob

WOW:eek: I would never of thought of either of those. I don't force choke all the time. Some times I do the coveted force speed then death from above, Somtimes I also lead someone away, they follow, backstrike.:cool:


if you want to try some thing new, choke and kick... its fecking annoying LOL


as force powers go only use 5 most times... I play CtF so speed and Absorb used most, then the odd Pull and push... ok a lot of pulls and push :p yes its lame but as long as you DIE i dont care, and dont complain about people doing it to me.


then if stuck baby sitting the flag.. seeing is a must with a lot of pulls and push.. i play on a Back stab enabled server so a lot of pulls back stabs :dev7: and yes backstab is lame but like i said above you do what needs to be done to save that flag/cap.


used in this order to kill.. feet saber and guns if i have to :p


AFK =A free kill


chat killers =well shut up and play and you wont be chat killed


your lame/noob/sad/>insert insult here< =ops did i just kill you AGAIN


you kick hore =man well if you keep running at me what you think going to happen.


Rocket cheats/bug =you that bad shooting that you have to use a bug. btw how you use the Rocket bug...... hehehe not gona tell you :p

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