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Update from Q-3PO

Devlyyn Sarr

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You know I looove swgalaxies.net but I found this over at swg stratics and thought it was interesting.


We have another big publish on beta this week. Hopefully it should resolve a great deal of the outstanding issues. When I say that, of course there will be more things to balance and fix, however we are really getting close to having the stable and competitive game we’ve been striving for. I think it already has the fun factor as seen by recent beta story threads.


Sounds promising! :D You can check out the rest of his comments at that other site :p

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Originally posted by Devlyyn Sarr

You know I looove swgalaxies.net but I found this over at swg stratics and thought it was interesting.




Sounds promising! :D You can check out the rest of his comments at that other site :p


Too slow dude. :p


Already been posted. :)

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Originally posted by Danyx

Very close, indeed. If you don't have your deposit down on reserving a copy of the game yet, GO DO IT NOW!!!!!


My educated guess now is that we will make the tentative June 25th shipping date.


Im pre ordering this weekend, might even get a beta cd. :D

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They won't give you a beta cd unless you are 18 yrs. old, Reaper, at least not till the NDA is OFFICIALLY down because they can't sue you and make it stick if you aren't adult age and break the NDA. Can't hold a minor to a legal and binding agreement.


Take someone 18 or over with you to "obtain" the disk and discretely give it to you later.

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