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New textures?


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I dunno if youve tried this, but this is how I do it.


First once the image is made I make sure it has the proper size properties (sorry I forget what they are.) Then what I do is put them in a folder with my map name in it, like so.


Game Date/Base/Textures/mapname/image.jpg


I hope that helps.

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Originally posted by MAPSTER

does anyone know how I can make new textures in jk2radiant?


Well you don't make textures with any radiant editor. You make textures with a photo editing program such as Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.


Follow the advice of powers of 2 and then create a subdirectory with your mapname inside the textures directory. So the path would look like base/textures/yourmapname


Then in the editor load up your custom textures and ... texture your brushes.

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Of course, that will only solve the problem for you. When you go to distribute your map, no one else will see your textures unless you pack them into a .pk3 file.


1. Get Pakscape (it's really easy to work with) to create pk3 files.

2. Create a folder in a new pk3 called 'Textures'.

3. Copy the folder with your custom textures into the Textures folder.

4. Save the pk3.

5. Place the pk3 in the base folder.


Now you won't have to use devmap and sv_pure to see your textures.

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