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Darth Vader 3rd best


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I disagree, Atticus Finch deserved his place. Heroes are more then guns and powers. Atticus Finch lived in a world full of hate and still stood for himself. He loses the case but delivers a message of peace. Also he is obviously a pacifist which is why he didn't let Scout beat up those kids.


Luke didn't make the cut because he was a simple hero. Just doing what all heroes do...

Han on the other hand was a renegade, a little smuggler scum who doesn't have any of the qualities of a hero but still ends up being one.


The Emperor does NOT deserve to be on any list of best bad guys.

An overall look makes you see that Vader is by far a better villain then the Emperor. I mean sure he controls the Empire but we mostly see Vader doing the ground work, being at the center of the whole plot. Palpatine is almost an extra compared to Vader.


Thus the Emperor should not be ranked higher then Vader.

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