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Monkey Island 5 Style


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personaly the drawings of cmi were the best and with all resperct to you, I can't see the nnext mi game like the banner. To start with it would be too hard to make it move (probably). Also with all respect to the guy who drew the picture above, it won't work like a game.

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i didn't mean like a 2D cartoon of the style of the banner...

you know that smooth 3D effect.. no point and click either move him around like ya could in MI4.. but more realisitic.. not that stupid run he has, give him a normal manly, pirate walk/run.

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Personally, I think that the banner is wonderful.


It reminds me of Monkey Island 2, a game that I consider to have the best look of all the MI games.


CMI was too cartoony, although the backgrounds were pretty decent.


Tthe pre-rendered CGI backgrounds of EMI completely failed to capture the warmth and texture of Monkey Island. I'm not necessarily against the use of rendered backgrounds, but the EMI ones were just plain poor.


So, yeah, the banner style gets my vote too.


Or maybe real-time 3d environments. Real time 3d might invoke a certain immersive quality to the game that EMI just couldn't capture with it's pre-rendered stuff.

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Originally posted by Lemort

CMI was too cartoony...

Too cartoony? I loved the cartoonyness (not a word, but shut up)!


(I seem to be dissing you everywhere, Sorry Lem. I don't mean to.)


I think that EMI was going down the right track at the wrong time. The backgrounds were cool, but the characters were too blocky. They were better on the ps2 than on the PC, but still. The 3d technology of the day could not replicate the warmth of CMI or its predecessors.


I think that cell shading is a way to go, sort of like Sam and Max. Looks like a cartoon, but at the same time is 3d.


But I would be happy if they did it like CMI. I played it on a widescreen TV the other day, and it was like an interactive cartoon. Just tighten up the animation, make it (even) more fluid, and I think the result would be absolutely orgasmic!


Well maybe not, but it sure would be exelent.



Oh yeah, point and click rules. Death to the keyboard!!!!!!

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I guess I didn't make myself very clear.


I loved the look of CMI. The backgrounds were lush, vibrant, full of character, and captured the Monkey Island feel very nicely. But I prefer the look of MI2 because it had all the same things going for it, but did things ever so slightly better. Also, I think that Guybrush looked all wrong in CMI, but I digress...


I agree with you about cel (yes that really is the correct spelling - hey, I've got to get my own dig in somewhere!) shading. It would look pretty groovy.


I also agree with you about point 'n' click. Switching to keyboard and gamepad only methods of control was one of Lucasarts' biggest mistakes.


I don't agree at all about the EMI backgrounds though. They were awful, awful, awful. The backgrounds to Melee Island were decent, but they just got worse as the game progressed. Some of the backgrounds for Monkey Island itself were unforgivably poor.


Actually, I think that a combination of hand-painted backgrounds and realtime 3d, cel (yup, there's that word again!) shaded characters would work really well.

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Yes. Guybrush is certainly no "mighty pirate", despite his protestations. A macho pirate walk would definately not suit him.


Lem, you are right to an extent about the graphics in EMI, but they weren't "awful, awful, awful". They were far from what I or any sane person would call spectacular, but I loved Jumbalaya Island for instance. Some of the stuff there was great. In fact, I loved it all.


Graphics wise, it is certainly the poorest of the series, but those games provide some tough opposition.


I loved EMI.

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Guybrush is sort of the reluctant hero, meaning he doesn't have to have a heroic look to him, he just has to accidentally somehow save the day. A many pirate walk would not suit him, but neither would anything else, just a normal walk like in COMI. With cel shading, I think he should look a lot like the COMI look, but maybe add a little of MI1 and 2 with it. also, hte backgrounds should be done like comi, but slightly smoother (to fit in with the character).


I think it's a good thing that we're waiting a long time for MI5 because by the time they start making it, they might have taken some of this ina and be able to implement it nicely (using the same engine to similar games they've made like FT2 and Sam'n'Max2)

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Lemorts on the button for me. MI3's graphics were just a bit TOO cartoony for my liking. Guybrush turned from looking like a naive pirate wanna be to being an awkward goofy looking character....no offense to those of you who love the cartoony look.


The graphics in MI3 were far superior 'technically' to MI1 and MI2, but in my opinion MI1 and MI2 just had a little 'something', a certain 'magic' and atmosphere.

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Originally posted by RoyTordesLegend

The graphics in MI3 were far superior 'technically' to MI1 and MI2, but in my opinion MI1 and MI2 just had a little 'something', a certain 'magic' and atmosphere.

Humbug. CMI owned.


BTW, happy birthday Das Mole!!!

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

MI 1 & 2 has a feel to it which 3D cannot re-create. it has a realism about it which would need a hell of a lot of 3D power to make it work (in which case you'll need to sell it to cover production costs which LEC (wrong) will not allow you to do). But even so, you'll need to do something about the 3D of the characters as EFMI was not anything like the MI feel of MI1 and 2 which is what most people love.


That's a fact you have to be concerned about. The 3D characters in EFMI were cool .. but it didnt hit my ssa like those in MI 1, 2 (and CoMI). .. I've just played 1, 2 and CoMI in a row and i must say i dont want it to be any other way!


I would suggest for any MI Game developer NOT to do it in 3D 3rd-person or I-person style.. 3D is ok, but since Tombraider Turok Quake (and lots more) hit screens some years (somemanymanymanyyears) ago it is nowadays just boring to get every game with optics like this.


Why dont try to do it with point'n'click-interface

..[that walking (=press 'up') all the time is not cool, hitting shift too long will cause win2k to come up with that special keyboardsettingsstuffcrap wich "now is activated"]..

by establishing graphics like in Monkey 1 2 3 using a 3D engine.. this will cause lots of work but it hits for sure..


(needless to say sound is the second most important point which developers of EFMI made biiiiiig mistakes. The mistake was to cut sounds almost complete off)


.. i posted this somewhere else in another thread .. but after done so i found this here so i did paste here ..

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Originally posted by RayJones

I would suggest for any MI Game developer NOT to do it in 3D 3rd-person or I-person style.. 3D is ok, but since Tombraider Turok Quake (and lots more) hit screens some years (somemanymanymanyyears) ago it is nowadays just boring to get every game with optics like this.


I agree. It seems like after Doom, everyone jumped on the bandwagon making 3D games. I dont buy a lot of games nowadays for that reason. Of course the market research boys would say otherwise, but market research isn't always right. What has surprised me is the lack of 'real' adventure games on the consoles. Heck the PS1 even had a mouse....nobody used it though!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Though I would dearly like to see a Monkey Island with wonderful, colorful, fun 2-D graphics, like the banner above, I am quite sure that will not happen. In my opinion, the makers of EFMI started using 3-D and they're going to finish it using 3-D, no debate about it. It is also my opinion that it should be exact, precise graphics used for MI5. COMI graphics were fun and festive, but went too far with the cartoons. That goofed it up for me. If only we could have a serious, 2-D look, all would be well.

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