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Monkey Island kudos


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I remember a time..... when playing Monkey Island was really an adventure, it took you to a place of wonder and enjoyment. Monkey Island is the type of game that sucks you in and dont' even think about the outside world. Call me crazy, but it's how I feel. I remember wakeing up before school everyday, just so I could play for a while. What made the game, was the amazing score/music and the puzzles of course. I played Monkey Island 1 the other day, it transported me back to a time..... when life......was easy...... and new and exciting. And I never wanted it to end.... It's strange, but video games nowadays dont' seem to have that kind of magic anymore. Games like CMI and most LucasArts games clearly are the elite. CMI and Escape, really show you how long a game takes to make and how much hard work LucasArts put into there games. The quality is outstanding and the voice work is truly unique. Not many game manufacures take that much pride in there work anymore. I would imagine CMI took a few years to make, while most games nowadays only take months. The Monkey Island series is on the same level of a major film in my book, they sure put the time in. Just my opinions.....I've rambled on enough



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I could not agree more, i shared the same experience allthough i did not have enough time to play before school, i did not want it to end either, some could be amazed how some people act on MMORGP's i've seen a High Counsel on a Ultima Online Shard wich had the same goofy experience to it, they did nothing and just sat in the middle of the town misinterpeting everything they say, eventhoug they knew they would get killed, and stolen from.

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yeah, same here. the game would keep me at the computer for hours. now these forums keep me here for hours, but still. cna't wait till mi5 comes out. then i'll have something to do.


oh, yeah, and :newbie:s rule! here, take a ":newbie:s rule!" button. or did i already tell you that newbies rule on a different thread? well, still, newbies do rule.

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What I am about to say is blasphemous. You have to forgive me.


Monkey Island also did that for me. When Escape came out, it was like going back into the darkest depths of my youth.


But you know what. It's Grand Theft Auto games that suck me in like that now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When it's raining outside or I'm sick, I don't "curl up with a good book", I get out my laptop and let Monkey Island pull me in. The ultimate in forgetting your worries (someone should inform physicians everywhere). Oh, and to you people who remember waking up early before school to play MI... I was homeschooled, my schoolwork took two hours and I could do it whenver I wanted :D .


Monkey Island = love

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I'll bet that most of the people that hop onto this website looking for a place to vent their MI thoughts would tremendously agree. I, personally, would stay up late into the night, playing MI, minimizing the screen with every creek I heard and pretended to slump into sleep in the chair. Those were the good ol' days.




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Sometimes, on a hot summer night, I'll open up my bedroom window turn out all the lights and plug in my headphones.......and usually go straight to Blood Island in CMI. Everything about the place is so ethereal, the music.....the backgrounds.....the old hotel....the crypts......the beach.....the lighthouse....yes, I get completely sucked in. In some sort of alternate universe, I think I lived on Blood Island.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by James Isaac

Yeah, they suck me in too. i like to wake up really early, and just play MI with headphones, and it just sucks you in.




Wow, thats exactly what i used to do, when i was first playing the games, I would go to bed and tell myself that i would wake up early, like about 3 in the morning to play some more, put some headphones on, and enjoy:D

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Originally posted by Herman Toothdecay

When it's raining outside or I'm sick, I don't "curl up with a good book", I get out my laptop and let Monkey Island pull me in. The ultimate in forgetting your worries (someone should inform physicians everywhere).


Oh, amen to that, definitely. I had a pretty rough time last year, with some bad anxiety issues and serious stress problems...finally when spring break rolled around I said "enough," told everyone to go away, and locked myself in my room for a week. And, yes, I played MI1 and 2 and a good chunk of EMI almost constantly. When I wasn't writing (I was working on the first draft of a novel at the time), I was playing MI. It helped, it really did.


Somebody tell the news media--Monkey Island is the new Prozac! ;)

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Originally posted by Herman Toothdecay

When it's raining outside or I'm sick, I don't "curl up with a good book", I get out my laptop and let Monkey Island pull me in.


What you've said right here is so real, after having played the games out so many times over the years, its so amazing to one day, as you said, when one is sick, you can just insert the old MI disc into your computer and go thru it all again. Priceless.

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There's something about MI1 and MI2 that make me so happy! I think it's the old graphics, the nostalgic music and just the general happiness of it all. The puzzles, ah they're so good! The best thing is the quest, the goal, to find out the secret of monkey island.


I think the reason you get sucked in is cos you are controlling guybrush right down to the things he says....obviously you can't do everything you wan't ;) like when there's the skeleton and you click 'PULL skeleton' and Guybrush says: No thanks, he's not my type.


But anyway, I generally tend to sneak down in the morning at 4.30am and play MI for almost 2 hrs before my Mum comes down at 6.30am :p, these are the best days of my 13 yr old life and I am not gonna waste them, no, I'm going to use them for playing Monkey Island/going 2 the scumm bar/ meeting mates to bore them to death cos none of them have played monkey island/ posting here. Ah, what a happy exsistance!

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