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The coolest dream


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I had a dream last night about SW KOTOR, at first, I was at these docks, and I had a blaster, I shot this thing, and somehow, I got a dbl bladed saber from it, and I was a sith, and I ran out of the docks, and to these woods, a big spiky monster attacked me, and I did this spinny thing and chopped its ass apart (not literally :)) , and then I woke up, but, for some reason, the game felt all crappy and stuff, but, it was cool, all the same, has anyone else had a dream about KOTOR?

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I had a dream a couple of weeks ago, that this bioware team or whatever were at my local library, where they put up a couple of test machines with KOTOR on them, and I was the first to try it out. It actually seemed real. All the movements was exactly like the one we have seen in the trailer. I was SO angry when i woke up and found out it was only a dream!

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Even though I'm pretty obsessed with KotOR, I have yet to have a dream about it... at least, my dream diary doesn't seem to reveal anything.


Rather odd, actually... I've been having my share of odd dreams lately(a little brother of a friend telling me to remove the "evil", then pointing to a slip of paper containing a Mickey Mouse comic:eek: ), but as far as I can remember, I have yet to have a single dream about Star Wars or anything.


Damn, I should remember to try grabbing a lightsaber when I have a lucid dream :p

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Once i had a dream where i was playing No Mercy, great game, like 5 months before it was out, the scary thing was that it was almost exactly how it turned out to be in the real world. But thats the only time i've had a dream about a game(that i remembered at least). No Star Wars ones yet:D


Dark Dragon

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