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Cancelled account

Tony Kenobi

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ok here is the answer.........me and isaac have had heated debate over this.....there would be no reason to cancel your account if you can't play for a month.......... because of the fact that they pull straight out of you credit card or debit card (unless for some reason you can't afford the set amout of money for the fee and then in that case you should be playing the game) so you won't miss a month. and if you think you can cancel an account and come back to it i think that you might be too much of a wishfull thinker..........

why would a huge company like sony care about whether or not they kept a cancelled account going when they could have a paying customer in their place.

another reason i think they would delete the "cancelled account" is because this may cause some kind of server overload or something..


Please if you agree with me or disagree with me tell me your opinion or facts and shed some light on this heated debate between me and Isaac......



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To use everquest as an example


Sony has never deleted any non active characters except for a level 1 purge that has happened one time.


They guarantee that they will save the character for 4 months after cancellation beyond that they say nothing. I would assume that it will be the same for SWG

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Yeah, they will probably hold your account and character for a set amount of time after you cancel. You want to hear a story that's kind of illegal?



I played DAoC for a couple months, then cancelled my account, and uninstalled the game. Well, almost a year later, I decided to play again. I threw in the game, installed, and signed right in without reactivating my account or anything. I played for about 3 months, without paying, until the expansion came out. Well, needless to say, I didn't feel like spending the money on the expansion, so I stopped playing for real.



So, to answer your question: your account and character will probably still be there, just don't wait too long.

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I've played EQ since release. I went for one period of time for about 1.5 years with a cancelled account. I went back to it a few months ago and everything was still there.


They have nothing to gain by deleting characters, and everything to lose. If you work a character up really high, then leave it for a year and decide to come back to the game....not finding your character could discourage you from playing, causing SOE to lose a potential account.


They gain a lot more from that account than any savings they would realize in storage space (which is fundamentally cheap in the IT industry, at least from the perspective of someone who develops industrial software (me, hehe)).

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