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halo rpg

halo dude

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n1) no comming back from the dead(just incase you didn't know):rolleyes:

2)cannot use magical powers

3)no one can use 2 guys/girls

4)if you wantt to kill someone say "the marine takes aim at john with 3 round bursts"not "bang,bang your dead 50 bullets in your head."

5)no impossible actions like "the grunt eaisaly doges the bullets all 42 marines fired at him."or "the marine fired countinuiousy for 3 minutes"you need to reload

6)your dude is limited to 2 weapons+1pistol, 4frag grenades, and 4plasma grenades

7)no correcting my spelling or you will be kicked out

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Their names arn't good enough, what do they look like, what are they're roles and what do they act like. I need to know them before I'm gonna be them.


So I'll just continue with Titus for now.


By the way, is there an acctual story? Do you have anything in mind? If I go on with a large paragraph is it going to mess up anything you wanted to do? Your post was so vague I don't know what your doing and I don't know what to assume. Please clarify. You at least need to post a paragraph about what is hapening, what events are taking place. Is it during the game? Are we at war with the covenant? What damit!?!

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