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AFI recruiting.


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AFI- A fire inside, we currently have 7 members, 4 of which are main councel, the rest high fighters.

No ranks have been assigned yet, the clan is just branching into jedi outcast.

=AFI=Stranger is going around normal servers recruiting, as neo is recruiting on the zone.

I myself am recruiting here,zone,regular servers,mIRC, and winMX.


When you first join the clan your skin will be the reborn/boss, untill you reach a higher rank where your own custom skin is assigned, either you have one already for submission or you want one to be made by our skinner.


If any one is intrested in joining, contact me at lone_fighter85@hotmail.com, you must have msn, if not email me at darkmercreborn@hotmail.com.


If you don't get intouch with me, try emailing =AFI=Stranger at


Good night.

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