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1 month free???

Kaiser Isaac

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Seeing how we will all get to play the game soon i want to start off by saying i love you all.......:D .......lol.........but relly now.......When the game comes out we get 1 month for free right.........Now do you have to subscribe with your payment plan first or can you buy it and start playing without doing all the payment crap.......i would love to know........

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Gotta hate it when you install an MMORPG, pay your money, then can't play it for a few weeks. That happened with me for everquest last year. I got back into it, started playing, then my monitor buggered up three days later. Then i got it repaired... but they obviously repaired nothing because the same problem occured... I could go on with the story... but anyway I think you get your free month after you give your credit card or game card details in and stuff and you actually register your account.

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when u sign up your account, u set up your billing information (so u do give a method of payment, like a cc # or dbc #).

u arent billed until after the 30 day trial period.

it is then that u can decide to keep playing or take a pass and cancel your account.

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Damn......o well i have to wait like 3 days after it comes out befor i can play it........Oh well......but i have another question........say you sign up for th 3 month plan........and after you play for your free month you decide that you dont like the game.......are you able to cancel the 3 month plan that you alredy signed up for.........

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