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Guest dvader

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Guest dvader

I'm new at these boards but I was just wondering if jedi are serius quit people then how the heck is a gungan jedi possible

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In any case it seems that the gungan's race jedi's and the wookie's race jedi's will be the weaker than the other race,s Jedi.

(Check out the new preview thread by blue Myrr..(something)

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Guest Khabarakh

I dont see how the gungans and the wookies would have weaker jedi. If they have lots of midiclorians they can be powerful too.

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Guest jigga

If they had a number of different races as jedi and when you access them you get a random race that would be cool.

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Guest alfred_the_ewok

2 things:

1. If all force users were human, it would be dumb.

2. You wouldn't need jedi, just force users. Jedi are just force users that follow that code. The Gungans and Wookies could just have force users.

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Guest Ewok14

Every races Jedi will probbly be stronger than others in some aspects like he wookie ones would be better fighters and Human Jedi would be more mentaly with the force

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Guest Tie Guy

Lowbacca was a Wookie jedi, and she seemed just fine. And yes, it is true that some races will be better than others in certain aspects.

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Guest BlueSenateGuard

I strongly doubt that they'll give any civ a Jedi/Force advantage because of their species. Even though it's not exactly true that all races have the same midichlorian potential, it would come off as "unfair" to discriminate here, they probably believe.:nien::evanpiel:

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Guest Tie Guy

Wouldn't then, it also seem unfair to give a civ better troops, or worse mechs, because of their species?

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no. it's not about making a civ as 'realistiscally strong as possible to the movies', but about balancing a game. period. you have the civ-graphics and in general they have traits that show you a bit how they connect to the movies, but i guess that's as far as it goes.

for instance, the Trade Federation only had help from 1 Sith Lord and 1 apprentice. not from an army of Dark Jedi.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, it wouldn't be fun to only have only one jedi at a time, and teh rebels would be like that too, they only had luke. The empire had only Vader, and the naboo only had Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, and the gungans had the same. The Wookies only had Lowbacca, but she appears later than these games would take place. oh well.

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