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The Few, the proud, the FALLEN


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We are The Fallen. Here to defend our city windego, to protect our people, and to help others when needed. Windego, the city of peace and prosperity. Where hopes and dreams come true ;)


You can make this wonderful city possible, if you join today.




for those of you interested please go to




you can contact me if you have any further comments, questions, or concerns regarding the clan or city.


SN: N4Eeternally

E-mail: TheFallenClan@hotmail.com

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We are The Fallen. Here to defend our city, Windego, to protect our people, and to help others when needed. Windego, the city of peace and prosperity. Where hopes and dreams come true :)


You can make this wonderful city possible, if you join today.


For those of you interested please go to




You can contact me if you have any further comments, questions, or concerns regarding the clan or city.


SN: N4Eeternally

E-mail: TheFallenClan@hotmail.com

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