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Problems with Custom Charactor


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I made a charactor in 3dsmax a couple days ago, compiled it (Thanks to PsycoSith.) and ran it in jedi outcast. i spotted several problems immediatly.


1. My lightsaber was way off on positioning, it was several paces away from my charactor (i went back and couldnt see any tags out of place so i dont know what the problem is.)


2. It had large gaps in between segments of my charactor

(Does anyone have a good technique for weighing the edge verticies???)


If anybody could help with these problems i would really apreciate it.



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Ok mate Im gonna throw a few suggestions your way to try and help...


1.) Did you weight the verts on the right hand to the rhang_tag bone? I normally weight the top row of verts to the rradiusX then the middle section to the rhand and the remainder to the rhang_tag (from the tag position to the fingers...)


2.) Did you use the "50/50" method where the joining verts to parts of the mesh which use different bones are weighted .5 to each bone? For example where the lhumerus & lhumerusX meet you would half weight the verts in between those bones..


You could also try importing your XSI back into Max as it might be distorted and skewed which could point to a problem. Stick with it... at least you dont have a model with a backwards head & torso! Im trying to fix my own model as we speak...


Hope that helps, if not say so

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