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Wish!!! Movement for clothing in some way!


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I really wish they would implement this, in almost every movie the jedi have cloaks on and it would be so neat to have the ability to put one on in this, and move with you, sort of like everquest 2, although it wouldn't have to be that detailed. Please implement this!

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Yeah, I thought things like skeletal animation could make a lot of that possible. It was probably too much extra work.


Still, it would be really cool if, during saber fights, your cloak became more and more tattered. It wouldn't even have to be accurate, there could be fixed tattering spots on the cloak so after a certain number of near misses with a light saber, the game would automatically swap the model of your cloak to one slightly more damaged.


Okay, so I guess my idea for clothing would be even more complex than just having realistically moving clothing. :)

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I'd like to have cloaks, but remember that Jedi usually put off their cloas when fighting. And when they go on a mission that involves fighting...


Anyway, I think there are some Jedi-like clothes in JA (like the Jedi robes in the movies), but from what I've seen, the real classic outfits won't be there, so no cloaks.

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this came up a few months ago, and while it's a little too CPU costly to make fully simulated clothing, ive found its really easy to set up about 3 bones at the tips of clothing, and then set up some simple IK chains back up the length of the cape. I think this is how they did it in Max Payne, but im not sure.

We also now know that Clothing will be seperate models to the actual player models, so cloth simulation is a very real possibility.

The trick is implementing it with the least processor time :)

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well, stuff like long hair, cape and cloaks could be made using separate models on top of the player models. These clothing models could have a bone setting of theyr own and iff this game is using a pseudo rag doll system... it could work.. if collision detection is any good that is.


I reckon the clothing bones nly needed to look after 3 variables... collision detection... and gravity (this including the constand downward pull vs upward air resistance) so the model is pulled and held by the model.. but the loose ends are affected by permanent environment factors.... although cool and yes i'd luv to see this... i think it might prove tricky unfortunatly.


oh well... maybe next time ;P

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That would be cool if there was some way to keep the clipping in check. In Splinter Cell, the curtains, etc. look really cool when they move around you, but if you just stand still underneath one, it starts to clip a lot. This isn't a problem in SC, but if you made clothes that moved, and they clipped, it would look very strange.


I dunno, maybe it wouldn't be a problem...

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yeah, having simulated cloth so close to another model all the time can be a real problem, the only solution is per vertex collision detection...but if the JA models are 5000 polys or so, thats a lot of calculations, so its not very practical.

Shame tho, i wanted a cool robe on my Jedi that moves and flows like its the real thing...

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