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Strange Odd Weird! Is Cairn Dock an empty level?

Jenny Chen

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I'm playing Cairn Dock, a mission which requires stealth. I encountered several troopers and an officer in a large bay in the beginning of the level. When I happened to stumble into a fight with them, a cutscene turned up showing an officer push the alarm. And the following cutscene are some empty scenes that froze the game up.


I restarted my computer a few times to check out what would happen when stealth failed. As soon as the officer sounded the alarm, the game stopped with scenes with no one in them. It was weird. It is not likely that the scenes are just giving you screenshots of empty corners of the level. But i don't know what is wrong.


I jumped up a slope at the left corner of the bay, mind-tricked and sneaked past several troopers, and dropped into the control room of the electrified pool. The room was empty. After I managed to turn off the electricity and force-jumped across the pool, the rest of the level had no enemy at all! Now I'm on a bridge which looks over everything in the level. I entered the ship-like thing (I think it's Doomgiver), and checked my objectives. My objs are all crossed off with mission complete sighns. But the level refuses to end!


Strange Odd Weird!




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Just now I crept into a tunnel in the right corner of the bay. I entered the control room by this way. The room was still empty. And the rest of the level was empty like before. I tried to fight the stormies in the bay. What turned up are still those empty cutscenes!:confused: :confused: :confused:

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