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Calling all Bothans


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I created a Bothan medic named Murashu on Bria today. I played him for about an hour and now I cant seem to log on any server. They are having some account issues tonight since the beta boards are getting spammed with lots of people having my same problem.

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I dont seem to have any problem at all... i had a great time last night.. i was in Moenia (waiting for Murashu) and all of a sudden 2 guys come running into town shooting at somehting behind them... and there they were.... 3 monstrous FAMBAA's. MY GOD... jurassic park 4.. they were attacking any player they were near to.. at that time there were about 50 players there.... and the most awesome thing happened... we all started shooting sat the fambaa's... all 50 players.. it was the most awesome sight you have ever seen man.... all were shouting these chorusses... it was really awesome.. i have a screenshot of it... ill post it later :D

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