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to be more like yoda :D ...or will Lucas Arts blow it??? :(


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I love these little breaks from the discussion. They show us all just how ignorant some people can be.


I like the idea of force move, don't get me wrong, I just don't like moving and zapping all at the same time, that's all.


You know what I would like to see? Lots of different force powers, but not enough points for everyone to have every power. I think that if everyone had a different (yes, I know they're different now, but I mean more different) force scheme, it would make for a more diverse multiplayer experience.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

I You know what I would like to see? Lots of different force powers, but not enough points for everyone to have every power. I think that if everyone had a different (yes, I know they're different now, but I mean more different) force scheme, it would make for a more diverse multiplayer experience.


I'm know I'm not the first person to say it, and I'm sure I won't be the last.


Mysteries of the Sith style system. There was a large variety of Force powers to choose from, and there were so many different Force schemes you could make, because by picking one certain dark power it affected what light powers you could choose, vice versa and etcetera etcetera.


It added a lot of variety to multiplayer, and you actually had to work for it then. You couldn't just pump everything into lightning and drain like so many people do now, because in MOTS your setup might work well against some people, but because generally speaking, each persons force setup was different(even minutely different), it might be completely useless against quite a large number of players. And if someone was just flat out owning you, you could go in and completely re-arrange your Force powers and throw them off, unlike in JO where there is not nearly as much variety in the setups people use. Hence in Mysteries of the Sith you actually had to know how to play the game and adapt, instead of just standing around like an idiot spamming lightning and actually raking in the kills :eek:.


*gets down off soapbox*

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Originally posted by BloodRiot

Well about the saber absorbing the lightning... Am I the only one who found that part a bit silly? I thought the Yoda like absortion much better. The thing with the saber doesnt convince me... i'd rather have seen Obi-Wan absorbing the lightning with his hand instead of his saber... besides.. it looked a bit silly when Obi-Wan blocks the lightning with no effort at all and Yoda who is the top jedi guy around at the time looks like he's under some strain...


I think The idea sugested by nathariel would indeed reduce the lightning spamming... but I'm concerned about the price to pay for that... I dont think it's the right way to fix the lightning spamming...but yes.. it must be reduced.. no doubt there.


I'd rather have lightning being the supreme dark side power... whoever wants it... must buy the points at high prices and make it expend more force when used. It should damage alot yes... but by reducing the effect to one user at max level should make the weapon effective... let's say... one full force discharge with lightning on a guy with no absorb on, no shield and full health would kill the opponent...but as said.. with the user's mana depleted.


As for light side... I do agree they need an non-counter power. I think force blind should be brought back. Maybe a grip that's designed to stun rather than kill or a mid trick like power that disables or interferes with the enemy's movement(walking, running and jumping for instance).


The best thing for is to bring back the MOTS class system and force power system. Also MOTS had a few interesting powers designed to confuse the enemy like force projection... it creates mirror images of one-self... it would be cool if they acted on their own makingthe enemy think we went the other way.


Anyway... I think the best thing they could do, whether they use MOTS system or JO system, new powers or same powers... the saber should be the best advantage and the most efficient weapon of all... making the force nothing more than a bonus or advantage that gives the player an edge in certain situations.




Make Lightning and Protection the "Jedi lord" powers, only accessible when you have no stars on ANY of the neutral powers, and make both of them very powerful.

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some people are just mean...... he will go to the darkside me thinks *in yoda voice* lol jk


i really do think that the lightning should be much like dookus

a single stream that can only hit a single targeted enemy, and push them into walls. the empiror had a rather large stream, but he (after all) IS THE DAMN EMPIROR!! the most powerful sith ever.... so we can't really make any direct comparisons lol


as i said, the counter to this would be a newly adapted 'absorb' where the jedi raises his hand, and then can reflect some of the energy back.


i think if reflect were to be added, a jedi would have to have 3 points on absorb to beable to use it.


i agree that reflect should be only usable against lightning, and the reflected attack can also be "re-countered" with the dark jedi's lightning. then the fight would go to good ol' 1v1 saber fighting.... just like it damn well should be ;)

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