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jk2 settings


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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

also seta com_maxFPS "300" is just plain dumb.



#1 you eyes could never tell 100 from 300.


#2 you are forcing your rig to draw the same crap that you would see at 100 fps at a faster speed and thus eating resources.


quake 3 engine dev's cap the fps rate for a reason.


1. Humans do not see the world in frames, rather streams of information. It has been proven that we can "percieve" over 200 frames per second. Will you notice this in a game, however? Probably not.


2. No, you are not forcing it to do anything. If you turn off vsync, and uncap the framerate with com_maxfps -1, then the game will redraw the scene as many times as it can per second. Normally, FPS is limited to the monitor refresh rate (vsync) to prevent screen tearing. It isn't usually pretty when your video card starts sending more frames to your monitor faster than it can display them. Uncapping this won't eat system resources. It simply allows the game to render the scene as many times per second as possible, which is a good thing. Keeping vsync on, in my experience, has slowed some games down, but I keep it on anyways since it's fugly without it.

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Since my monitor is set to 60 hz refresh, beyond 60 fps I won't see it especially with vsync on. However, many ppl add fps greater for other reasons. The mouse movement I actually notice is smoother, don't know why its related to fps. Furthermore, many people say you can strafe jump faster with 115 cap fps than a lower 80 or 90 fps cap.


But massassi boy (edit: name reserved to det), I don't know why, but I have never experienced problems without vsync on to match up frames with refresh rates.

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you guys got any suggestions for me to increase my fps? i have a p3 1.13ghz its a IBM R31 laptop so i have no idea what kind of graphic card it has (probably some horrible ibm incarnation). anyway i usually get about 25-30fps in multiplayer and i went to my friends house and he got like 90fps and it was sooooo much better. i tried turning graphics to Fast and Fastest but uh, niether helped me that much at all which i thought was kinda wierd. anyway any help would be greatful...

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