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Another silly Jedi question...


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Okay, I've read about 20 of these forums and the one question I haven't found is how will the Code of the Jedi effect a Jedi. From what I have gathered the way to build your skills is to actually use them, which would mean a Jedi would put herself/himself in harm's way trying to train those skills. My question is if you have a character in a FSCS start off training, lets say Marksman, and then later on decide it's time to try to use the force, will you still be able to use your weapon skills without a negative effect on your character? That might be poorly worded, so here's an example.


Character is a Artisian/Pistoleer, is Force Sensitive and trained in a few Jedi skills. She walks into a bar and finds herself in the middle of a bar brawl.


1. Can she pull out her pistol and just start blasting away?

2. Will her Jedi status be effected?


By sticking to the storyline, I have yet to see an actual Jedi (not counting Luke from ANH) use anything but a lightsaber. How is a Jedi suppose to defend herself/himself without turning one problem into 30 problems looking to make her a trophy?

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Since at this time, Dark Jedi are not in the game, I'd have to assume that it won't matter.


Reading your question again, it seems to have multiple meanings. In any event, for your second question, I only think a Jedi will get a TEF if he displays the ability to use the force.


As reference to beta, I met an individual that picked up a lightsaber form a DJM that he and a group killed on Tatooine. He could use it, and did not get a TEF. I am unsure if the use of a lightsaber will cause a TEF for Jedi though. I think it should, but if it doesn't for normal players, maybe it won't for Jedi. Perhaps you actually have to display a Jedi ability.



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My understanding is that you will only get flagged if you use your Force powers.


However it has also been brought to my attention that for the whole lifespan of your FS character you will be subject to permadeath.


So I would pick my barfights very carefully.

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Originally posted by InnateEnigma

My understanding is that you will only get flagged if you use your Force powers.


However it has also been brought to my attention that for the whole lifespan of your FS character you will be subject to permadeath.


So I would pick my barfights very carefully.


You will be flagged indeed, but only the people who saw you using your force powers or lightsaber may attack you. :)

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