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I actually played Beta.......for 10 minutes.

Dathan Surehand

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Just wanted to follow up with my new adventures.


The servers came back up, and I played.


I went out of city and started scanning for minerals/organics.


After aver an hour of collecting anything that had a %over 85 (That is the Quality of whatever you have surveyed for) I decided to try to create something.


So I created pants, shirts, blasters and knifes.


There are soooo many resources it is unbelievable. Everything I had created was pretty much useless, most people in beta have been there a while, therefore not needing what I had.


So I would collect odd types of things and put them on the bazaar to make some money. The tubers sell. Woooo who.


Anyway any time I start to get close to a high percentage resource there are usually creatures that are aggressive, and I can't get to the best spot. If I try, things like birds incapacitate me. It's really sad.


So I will train in marksman. I will shoot said birds......


Several hours of playing and I finally realize I have a world map....I have gotten so far from the city it takes me RL 30 minutes to walk/run back to the city.


So far too cool. See ya.

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What seems to be bogging me down is the inability to do exactly what I need to do without relying on other skills, ie blaster, or hth.


If I want to advance (I am new start with 250 credits) it costs a hundred to get the basic skill tree started (brawler) then if I put anything on the ingame bazaar (auction) it costs 20 credits per item.


So immediately I am without credits and nobody really needs to buy what I have. But what is neat about this is you can do fedex missions, go try and whack nobodys, or whatever, to effectively "support" your real job.


When you first get there it is rather overwhelming, but it slowly works it's way out. I think we will all have a ton of fun. And working together will be great:


I need to go gather some steel, but I know there are creatures out there that I can't handle. We go out together and get xp for whackin them, then I can gather resources.


I can't see why certain situations wouldn't justify paying for the escort.......Ie protect me and I pay you...Cya.

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Quote Jackrabbit:


"I hope you get to enjoy it more before it comes out . By the way, you might want to shave. I noticed at first you had a little mustache, but now you've got a full blown goat."



Yeh, I finally took the time to try and edit the bitmap.....BTW, in the game I tried to make my char exactly like me. Maybe a TINY bit more Muscle.......


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FedEx missions were installed just for that reason buddy. Unfortunately, you have come at a time when most of the artisans are building high end stuff. Selling useless stuff doesn't do much good either. It's hard to explain, but there are ways to jumpstart your character that I am not too knowledgeable of...being the combat person I am.


You will need combat skills of some kind to survive without your PA. It's a fact you will have to accept, or just get JRs help once the game starts. lol.


Money is tight if you are not a combatant, but once you can build stuff those combatants need, you're in the money.

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