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Bow down before the surreal horse oxidation vortex

Zoom Rabbit

Dada is...  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Dada is...

    • Darth Vader
    • Eskimo word for sand
    • A French drinking game
    • Acronym for: Damn All Deadhead Anarchists!
    • Zoom's helper monkey
    • A techno band from Finland

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Having taken the above test or not, we should discard the results out of hand. Dadaism was an artistic movement, mostly European, during the early part of the last century. Its means were absurd--a mixing of bizarre images and surreal notions that often hinted at deeper meaning, and often not at all. Frequently the art of dadas (as the devotees of this school of thought called themselves) was simple nonsense...and this was also part of the message of dada. ;)


For a brief dip in the stretchy velvet summer horse dream of dadaism, go and take a quick *test* that tells you about your dada personality after you answer a few brief questions. To take the test, go down the road three miles to the dwarf farm of Constant Achres and ask the toy shop foreman if it's safe to drink the milk. If he says http://www.smalltime.com/dada.html then you should kill him immediately for stealing the olives.


When I found this website, I tested under my *dada* name--Ambidextrous Major Baa. :dozey: It told me:


Your secret name is #length: 10081 .

The animal which symbolizes you is JoJo the idiot boy.

The color of your soul is parrothead.

The celebrity you most resemble is t'aint the balls & t'aint....

Your special pain or illness is william bradley pitt.

Your most important time of day is divorced and ugly.

The shape of your life is yesterday.

And the flavor which identifies you most is square.


Well. :) The part about the color of my soul being parrothead was right on the money, at least...

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Your secret name is midnight Greenwich mean time.

The animal which symbolizes you is ploygon.

The color of your soul is rotting garbage .

The celebrity you most resemble is Bob Carlos.

Your special pain or illness is Horse.

Your most important time of day is Blue.

The shape of your life is Charo.

And the flavor which identifies you most is Ulcers.



Is it just me or is this a lot of horse crap? Onlt the thing about the color of my soul seems true...

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Talking to Psycho Bunny is like talking to a person who has taken a dictionary, cut all the words apart, and rearranged them in long sentences that make no sense.


Same with Dada.


Your secret name is brandon boyd.

The animal which symbolizes you is tuberculosis.

The color of your soul is 3:15.

The celebrity you most resemble is crescent.

Your special pain or illness is bubble gum .

Your most important time of day is aubree.

The shape of your life is koala.

And the flavor which identifies you most is light rusty olive green.



Har har.

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My *madness method* has been revealed!!! :D I shall have to switch to 'obfuscation plan: B'...


*(Goes and gets his helper monkey, chains it to the computer.)*


The animal that symbolizes me is 'Jo-Jo the Idiot Boy.' :dozey: Looks like they got that one right, too.

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Your secret name is lack of tacos.

The animal which symbolizes you is time for tacos.

The color of your soul is taco shaped.

The celebrity you most resemble is fresh tacos in the manana .

Your special pain or illness is Sabrina.

Your most important time of day is Frog.

The shape of your life is Pale Grey.

And the flavor which identifies you most is Antonio Benderas.

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Your secret name is Chris.

The animal which symbolizes you is snake.

The color of your soul is brown.

The celebrity you most resemble is Ricky Martin.

Your special pain or illness is death.

Your most important time of day is afternoon.

The shape of your life is square.

And the flavor which identifies you most is **** .



(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)....*one eternity later*...(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep)(bleep).


that's with all true information (6/18, *my name here*, i watch the mole), if i had put in other information, such as (6/18, das mole, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis), which i was originally planning to do, as that is all true as well, i would have received these results:


Your secret name is Lolita.

The animal which symbolizes you is sphinx.

The color of your soul is whitewashed.

The celebrity you most resemble is Michael J. Fox.

Your special pain or illness is sore muscles.

Your most important time of day is the 17th century.

The shape of your life is bell-shaped.

And the flavor which identifies you most is honey vanilla .


which i think fits me better, the other one was very incorrect.

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Das Mole: You appear to have discovered one of the key tenets of dada philosophy: the truth is irrelevant, and the personal bizarre is more relevant to the self. You must now lower the frosted drawbridge with icy hot abandon in fashion quick enough to crush the dwarf that is calling.


Neil: Say...you don't happen to like tacos, do you? ;)


As of RIGHT NOW, the forum appears to have decided that dada is a techno band from Finland. :) Actually, it's more like a French drinking game...

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