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Look Sir, Droids!


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I don't know anything about how droids will work in this game. Out of game, all I know about them is what we've seen in the movies. I was wondering if somebody could shed some light on the subject for me. Anything about the different makes, models, uses, and how they are built and customized would make me verra happy :D. Thanks.

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Hum, bit vague there Rabbit but I'll do my best.


I would say there was around 6-8 different types of droid, however you can modify and upgrade them heavily.


For example you can increase the armour grade on Probots and Aryknid (can't spell it) droids.

Or change the 'Personality Chip' on protocol droids, like giving them a 'Sarcastic' personality, or 'Worshipping' or some crap like that.

Humm what else...


There are different types of R droids (R2, R3 etc.), as well as the protocol ones i believe and i know there are Imperial probots, and some dodgey Bounty Hunter one i have not seen before.


Oh! and Medical/Surgeon droids as well, they are where the money lies I rekon.



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Yeah i also Want to be a Driod Engineer :)


Or change the 'Personality Chip' on protocol droids, like giving them a 'Sarcastic' personality, or 'Worshipping' or some crap like that.


Does this mean Driods will talk and reply to people etc lol?


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