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St. Anger


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there's no staying power in bands anymore. no one like a beatles, or a floyd, or zeppelin... the closest thing right now is aerosmith. and they're done. everyone's a one hit wonder it seems... and the record industry is quick to point the finger at the internet for low record sales when they should look at the crap they put out there for public consuption first. THAT'S why people dont buy records... because they SUCK now!

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

THAT'S why people dont buy records... because they SUCK now!


I wouldn't go THAT far. I like alot of new music out there and I've listened to just about every song from the 70s-90s for all my life until about a year or so ago when I was introduced full force to modern rock. Today's music has a different sort of appeal, but I enjoy it alot.


But they are right somewhat...who's going to buy an album if they can just d/load their favorite songs from it? Well...I bought Evanescense after I d/loaded one of their songs...but then again I've d/loaded 2 songs from Meteora and have no intention of buying the album even though I like the songs...so it goes both ways...

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Not really, Record companies are just greedy entities, as they make a lot bigger % from CD sales than the artists do. Artists get a LOT of their revenue from concerts, which are better than a CD anyway.

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True, albums sales dont count for sh!t to the band... they barely make money off of them.

you could use the arguement that albums sell the concerts... but i'm not really sold on it that much. if you like a band you're probably going to buy the album regardless. for the cover, for the sake of owning it, and for the sake of not feeling like you're ripping off one of your favorite artisits. you WANT them to succeed. and that helps them.

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Speaking of downloading songs....


How many people have heard of that new law they're passing (or have passed, not quite sure) in the States about peer to peer programs (Kazaa, Morpheus, etc.) being completely illegal, with financial damage fines of as much as $150,000?!?


I hear that the government now has all the IPs of the users of the aforementioned programs and will soon begin tracking them down and enforce this law.


Please clarify all this for me....I don't know if it's a load of bullsh*t or the truth.

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