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Beta Testers


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i was reading some reviews on the electronics boutique website and they started worrying me it seemed alot of so called beta testers were putting reviews for the beta they were saying either that it wasnt ready for its release or it all together sucked. there were a lot of them. i dont know what to think anymore is there any beta testers that agree with them or are they just Star Wars haters or are they real beta testers. i know there will always be people that wont like games but there were lots of them. :confused:

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What a lot of those testers don't understand, is what Beta is. Beta is a test phase of the game, that should not reflect on the game that will be released. I have no doubts that there will still be a few unfixed bugs when the game is released, but this game rocks. I think any issues will be fixed shortly after release.


Here's some examples:

Creature Handler's get 1XP when their creatures attack weak mobs. This is a calculation bug, but it will probably not be fixed prior to release, but a few days after, as it is implausible for most to get this profession for a few days if not weeks anyway.


Server crashes (random explanation). This gets fixed ASAP, as it affects everyones enjoyment of the game.


AT-STs are too cheap, and are skying all opposing rebel forces. This is a game balance issue, the Devs fixed this by multiplying the cost of AT-STs by a factor of ten. There are unmentioned additional fixes on the way already.


Lastly, graphical bug. Every 100th time I sit in a chair, I slide forward five meters and appear to be hovering. This is a low priority fix, but most likely will be fixed prior to release. I even have a pic for you. LOL.


Anyways, the devs are doing a great job, and I have a feeling that you will all be treated much as the testers were, and you will have a voice in what this game eventually becomes. Sure there are bugs, but I love this game. Anyone that doesn't, was either not a good tester, unable to realize what the developers were doing, or just a whiner like many on the official forums.




Does that answer your question? Oh yeah....pic for you, funny seat sliding bug.

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It's not just a few unfixed bugs, it's A LOT. That's what a lot of beta testers are complaning about. This thing is going live and there are still major flaws to certain areas to the game(ie PVP, too many pets issue, "correct" experience table, correct mob difficutly, etc, etc.) The poor devs are probably pulling 100 hrs for the week to get this thing out the door on "time".


Everyone loves the game, they just dont want it to come out in the condition its in. They dont want the initial folks to suffer because of the bugs that will happen at release.

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that would explain the many complaints about bugs (and to think they were going to release this game in march or april). is there any body out there who doesnt like this game all together or doesnt like a particular aspect of the game?

thank you for all the replies so far and the replies in the future i greatly apreciate it. i would also like to hear some more bug issues.

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Yea, I think there are some bugs and server issues that need fixing but the devs would not release the game unless they were confident... Maybe they have something up their sleeves?


I have already preordered it and will be playing it the moment I get back from Vacation...

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