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a series of 2v2s


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I was thinking since 4v4 or 5v5 clan matches are so infrequent and hard to pair up, that 2v2's will be easier. For example the match we have with the Crimson Legion have been discussed about for about 2.5 weeks yet we still won't be playing it for another 2 weeks probably due to organization problems,m common misunderstanding, and lack of leadership from my clan leader.


I was thinking we can have like mini teams of 2v2 which can play each other more frequently.

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Tournament would be too rigourous. Ill start the first one as an example unless you wish to actually pla. Me (sd.kynes) and (sd.reborn) challenge you semicolon and grilled-sarlaac or whoever you wish to 2v2 ff sabers. You can pick the map and give us 3 dates and times. If you wish to play guns insteada you can say so.

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