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Beta testers

I was thinking of putting my starting location as a city in corellia because there were fields and forests but as i searched for pics and all i found were fields and the forests were just just patches of 5 or 6 trees that are 10 ft apart. are there forests or other green things on corellia?

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Corellia is a nice planet and likely to be the place I start. There's something about the sight of the wheat waving in breeze thats unforgetable. Naboo has a certain appeal to with it's grassy planes. but it lacks the tall buildings and unigue architecture of Corellia. The only downer is some of the southern cities are surrounded by rivers which you have to cross to do missions, but that's not so bad since they sped up swiming. Still Corellia has some of my favorite places.

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Corellia sounds like a good place to start out. Do any of you beta-tester types know if there is a transit fee to move from planet to planet? I would like to start on a planet that isn't quite as laggy as I am guessing Corellia will be the first week, and I will base my decision on where to go based on if I have to pay for transit. :r2d2:

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